Sexy Beast: Chapter 4

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Author's note: PLEASE DON"T SKIP! Normally it wouldn't bother me if you skipped the author's note, but for this chapter I'm afraid you might be confused if you do. When Jade is referring to "Tori," she is referring to herself, to the character she has to play, not Tori Vega. It's my way of distinguishing Jade's normal behavior and habits from that of the character she's trying to portray for her assignment. Try to see it as if she's got a multiple personality disorder and the people who live in her head are named Tori and Jade. Whenever she mentions "Vega," however, she's talking about the real Tori Vega.


I hate fucking Tori. I really do. Who the hell wants to wake up an hour and a half before they have to be at school? Huh? I sure as hell don't, but Tori just has to be on time for school, whereas I usually don't give two shits. Hell, I barely get up half an hour before school starts, and the drive there is about twenty minutes long!

Yeah, I'm never on time.

Plus, who the hell doesn't drink coffee in the morning!? Tori, that's who! I need my fucking coffee and I can't fucking have it because Tori eats a bowl of cereal or whatever her fucking mommy cooks for her for breakfast instead!

Needless to say, I'm cranky when I don't get my fucking coffee, but it's not like I can express the way I feel because Tori's a fucking cheery little songbird in the morning!

I make up my bed, smiling on the outside, but fuming on the inside. What normal fucking person makes up their bed? Huh? Fucking Tori.

After my bed's made, I clean up my room, putting everything in its correct place. I'm feeling murderous. Really. I just wanna kill, kill, kill, but I keep on fucking smiling. And I hum, and I bop my head, and I do a little dance, all as if I'm so very fucking happy that I woke up this fucking morning!

"Jade, wake up!" Joy yells from downstairs.

I take a deep breath. Normally, I'd ignore her, or curse her out, but stupid Tori wouldn't dare.

"I'm up, Joy!" I call back brightly. Ironically, the sugary response is a bitter taste on my tongue. I think I'm gonna be physically sick by the end of the day. I really do.

Joy doesn't answer me back. There's just a dead silence so I give a little shrug and continue to clean up my room. It's the last fuckin' Vega-like thing I have to do before going downstairs to eat breakfast. I'm already dressed; wearing her clothes from yesterday, cleaned now of course. And I've taken my extensions and piercings out. My holes will probably close and I'll have to get my piercings all over again, but I'll just reward myself with another tattoo so that it won't be a complete waste of time.

Suddenly, my door is opened; and if I were allowed to be Jade today I'd throw the item nearest to me at whoever's standing there in the doorway. Just because locking my door is against the rules doesn't mean people should be allowed to walk in whenever they fucking feel like it.

"Sorry, Jade. Mom said to see if you're okay 'cause you sounded funny."

I soften immediately. Not just because I'm supposed to pretend to be Vega, but because I always soften if it's just me and Amber alone together. She's a sickeningly sweet kid. It's impossible to hate her; but it's not like I'm a complete softie when it comes to her either. For the most part, I treat her the way I treat everyone else. Just a teeny weeny bit gentler.

"You look okay to me." She smiles at me.

I smile back at her. Tori makes me. Jade would've let out a sarcastic, "Thanks, now scram."

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