The Look: Chapter 16

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When Vega runs upstairs, I'm a little surprised. Not the whole running upstairs thing per se, just the timing. I honestly expected her to freak out about twenty minutes ago. That's when the hook up scene between her and Cat was shown.

I'm not gonna lie. It was pretty hot. The way Vega just yanked her into the closet and seemingly had her way with her.

Now, I realize I'm supposed to be jealous, but anyone with half a brain can see that it was fake. Even if I didn't see the look of utter confusion and surprise on Vega's face when she finally realized what was supposedly happening, (and it took a freakin' while for the dummy to catch on), I still would've figured it out.

Honestly, the whole scene was poorly done. Everything was implied. And I mean everything. There was no actual clip of Cat and Vega doing anything sexual with each other. No kissing, or holding hands, not even a freakin' lustful stare was exchanged between the two. Vega and Cat had no chemistry, no sort of foreplay to play off of. It just came out of nowhere. Which means it was obviously done to show the extent of Vega's sluttiness.

But the implied stuff... The moans, the shrieks, even the loud thuds coupled with the lack of visual confirmation, left much to the imagination. And I've got a pretty wild imagination. So wild that I could easily picture myself there with Vega instead of Cat.

It'd almost be like the last time me and Vega were in the closet together. The way I pushed her up against the ladder, had her leg up on my shoulder and pressed my body up against hers as I stretched her-

"Aren't you gonna go get that?"

My thoughts are interrupted by none other than Melissa fucking Belle. I really can't stand that girl. So I scowl at her, and not even on purpose. That's just my natural reaction to her fucking face. Especially right now.

Her scenes with Vega were a little, well, a lot, more believable. They had this connection that made my jaw twitch. Their stares weren't faked or edited in, and their intimacy was pretty damn palpable. But, I have to assume that if Cat's hook up scene with Vega was faked, then so were Redhead's.

Redhead lifts an eyebrow at me and points up the stairs, toward the space my girlfriend disappeared. "Icky's having a meltdown. Are you gonna go handle it or what?"

God, I hate that she calls Vega that. It's irritating as hell. But more importantly, I really hate being told what to do. And the fact that Redhead is the one telling me what to do just puts me in a murderous mood. It's not like I don't know that I'm supposed to go to my girlfriend when she's upset. I was going to do it eventually, dammit!

"Fine, I'll do it." Redhead rolls her eyes and starts walking toward the stairs.

If this chick thinks that I'll let her upstairs near my girlfriend, alone, after what I just saw....

But it was fake, Jade. You know that.

Fuck off, Tori.

I push Redhead to the side and stomp my way up the stairs, cursing Vega out the whole time. Maybe it's not her fault the producers edited the show the way they did, but it is her fault they had so much to go on in the first place. She and Melissa just have way too much friggin' chemistry. And not just onscreen, but off screen as well. I swear, every time they talk to each other it's like they're prepping for a cerebral orgasm or something.

When I knock on Vega's door, she ignores me. I hate that, but I expect it all the same. She is upset after all.

God, this is so backwards. I'm the one who should be upset. According to "The Wood," she cheated on me with two different girls. Not to mention, all the "flirting" she did with other random girls and guys. Yet, I'm the one checking on her.

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