Whoa Daddy: Chapter 6

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It's happening again. I'm having a bad day here at Hollywood Arts. This time it's not Vega's fault, although I'll figure out a way to pin the blame on her later. I just broke up with Beck yesterday. We'd been going out for forever and just like that, I lose my temper and my boyfriend. Then he has the nerve to show up with Alyssa Vaughn today.

I couldn't deal, so I ran to the girls' bathroom.

I should be crying. I kinda want to cry. Normal girls would be crying right now. But I'm Jade West. I hardly ever cry and I'm not exactly normal.

"Um, hey Jade?"

Whoa, it's like déjà vu or something. My eyes shift, and there she is, Vega. I fix my face into a scowl at the sight of her. "What do you want?" I ask harshly; because I already know what she wants. She wants to see if I'm okay and I'd rather shove my pinky down the garbage disposal than endure the pity fest.

"I was uh...I was wondering if you could help me with something."

I turn then and give her my attention, eyebrows raised inquiringly. How selfish of her. I came in her after seeing my boyfriend, my ex-boyfriend, ride to school with Alyssa Vaughn. Alyssa fuckin' Vaughn! I'm having a moment, and she wants to know if I can help her with something.

Okay, honestly I'm relieved, even impressed (there goes that word again), that she's not asking me if I'm okay; but at the same time, why the fuck would I help her with anything?

She takes a deep breath, gathering with it as much courage as she can before she continues. "Can we pretend to date?"

My jaw drops.

"For just tonight. That's it, I swear!" She rushes.

I close my mouth with an audible snap and look down at myself.

Skirt? Check.

Boobs? Double check.

Vagina. Invisible to everyone, but it's most definitely there. So, check.

Definitely a girl today.

I look back up at Vega, hoping she'll catch on without me having to say it out loud.

She doesn't.

"My ex, Danny, is dating some girl that goes here, and I kinda ran into him yesterday, and I kinda told him I was dating too, and he kinda invited me and my date on a double date tonight, and I kinda said yes so now I need a date." She continues quickly as if I'm not staring at her like she's completely lost her fuckin' mind. It's like she was so damn determined for me to hear her out in hopes that her explanation will make me understand what she's asking of me better.

It doesn't.

"So...will you do it?" she pleads desperately, lower lip jutted out in a pathetic pout.

"So you kiss Cat one time and now you're bi?" I taunt her.

It's a mistake. I should have told her no, rolled my eyes, and left her standing here all by herself. Instead, I've encouraged her to keep talking. Never something I should purposely do unless it's to benefit myself...which this won't.

"No! I'm straight," Vega blushes as she continues on with her explanation. "I was just, well, Danny said that lesbians are only lesbians because their ex-boyfriends didn't do "it" right, so I figured if I brought a girl to the double date..." She trails off, not needing to elaborate 'cause I'm not dumb. I get it. If her ex thinks that girls only run to their same sex because their boyfriends sucked in bed, then he'll be in for a major blow to his ego when Vega shows up with a girl. Especially because he was her first and only. He'll think he was so bad she doesn't ever want to try it with another guy. Like he single handedly turned her gay because of how inadequate he was.

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