Somebody Special: Chapter 14

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"You ready to go, babe?" I ask Vega as if I couldn't care less that my ex just put his lips on hers. It's taking my best acting efforts, but I'm not gonna give him the satisfaction of knowing just how pissed off I am.

I hate being told what to do, even subliminally. And I can tell Beck wants me to pitch a fit. So I'm not gonna do it. I refuse.

My thoughts are reaffirmed when Beck gives me a confused frown.

"That's it?" He asks.

Vega looks as if she's about to ask the same thing but I dip my eyebrows as if I'm confused. As if they're the ones having a weird reaction.

"What?" I snap when they continue to stare.

"I just kissed your "girlfriend."" Beck answers, putting air quotes around girlfriend.

I give him another confused look and gesture between the two of them. "Weren't you two on a date?"

"Well, yeah but"-

"Vega kisses on the first date." I cut him off with a dismissive shrug.

"No I don't!" My girlfriend rebuttals.

Uh, yes she does. And I remind her.

"Don't you remember our first date, babe?" I ask; gathering up her purse for her because she seems to not have understood that it's time to go. Not only is Nozu's closed, but I'm ready to go.

"I..." she stops there, unable to deny it as she thinks back to the double date with Wazzbag and Redhead. There was a lot of kissing on that date. In fact, thinking back on it, I'm pretty sure I wet my bottoms during our trip to the bathroom.

"And even before that," I continue loudly, stepping closer to her and totally invading her personal space. "Don't you remember ending up in my bed, naked, on your first day at Hollywood Arts?"

"I..." she stumbles back, trying to create some distance between the two of us. Only, being the klutz that she is, she nearly loses her footing. I catch her, grabbing the front of her shirt with one hand and yanking her toward me. She's right in my face, nose nearly touching mine.

"Careful." I murmur huskily. Then I kiss her lips lightly before letting her go.

Her face is bright red, a little embarrassment probably, but it's mostly shame. She can't meet my eyes. She can't meet Beck's eyes. She can't meet anyone's eyes because she's unable to deny that as well. That she ended up naked and beneath me the first day we met. So what if we didn't fuck. There's enough implied to suggest that we did.

There's also this nagging feeling in my head. I'm pretty sure it's Tori trying to make me feel uneasy. My comment was aimed Beck's way, but I know it's got to be affecting Vega. Basically, I just called her a home wrecking slut; because honestly, who else sleeps with someone else's girlfriend the first day she meets her? I don't even think a Northridge girl would stoop so low.

But I push any feelings of guilt I have aside. I don't care if I embarrassed her. I feel like she needs to be punished as well. Yeah, I realize she didn't kiss Beck. He kissed her; but, I just told her how I feel about her being so goddamn friendly all the time. If she wasn't so touchy feely with him maybe he wouldn't have felt comfortable kissing her in the first place.

After mentally psyching myself out of feeling guilty, I turn back to Beck. "Seriously, if a kiss was the best you could get out of your first and last date with my girlfriend, then I worried for nothing." With that, I stomp my way out of Nozu's, not even bothering to check if anyone's following after me. I know everyone is. Even if they weren't leaving because the restaurant's closed, they'd still follow after me.

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