West to West: Chapter 28

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Well, that could've gone worse.

"I didn't say it went well, I said it could've gone worse." I reiterate out loud before Tori can hop on my ass about the mess I made when I shoved that engagement ring on Vega's hand.

I knew better. I did.

I just couldn't help myself.

I love Vega; and I missed her like crazy while she was away getting "space" from me. Especially because it came out of nowhere.

And I mean abso-fucking-lutely nowhere.

We were doing fine. Well, there was that mortifying mishap when I went to visit her; but it wasn't so bad that she needed to avoid me afterward. At least, not the way she avoided me. She just totally cut me off. No explanation, no calls, no texts; she didn't even come to school....for six fucking weeks!

Who does that!?

I wanted to teach her a lesson once she came back. I wanted her to spot me in the hall, on my way to class; and I wanted to just walk by her without offering her a smile, or talking to her, or even looking in her direction. I wanted to show her exactly how it felt to be treated like that.

But I couldn't because I couldn't find her anywhere; yet, I knew she was in school. I heard Other Vega complaining about still having to chauffeur her sister around even though she was no longer casted up.

It pissed me off; knowing Vega was still avoiding me. So, I spent most of first period trying to figure out how to punish her for that as well.

But then, when I finally saw her again, right before second period, she was so...cold. Like she didn't care if I ignored her very existence...like she would have preferred it if I did...Like she still didn't want to be around me.

It scared me. I felt like I'd lost her. And I didn't, don't, want to lose her.

So, I tricked her into going on a date with me. It was a bit extreme; lying about inviting everyone, taking her to the beach knowing that her arms were too sensitive for all that sun, getting her car towed, and all the other stuff; but it was also worth it. She warmed up to me considerably; even agreed to go on a second, "real," date with me the next day.

This day, actually. And it started out so good. She was smiling. and laughing, and she didn't seem to mind me constantly touching her....

Then she stepped away for less than five minutes and Alyssa fucking Vaughn was all over her; and Vega was letting Alyssa fucking Vaughn be all over her; and then Alyssa fucking Vaughn kissed my girlfriend; and Vega didn't seem uncomfortable with it...at all. In fact, it seemed as if they'd done it before.... multiple times. Like it was a thing. And then, on top of all of that, Vega had the nerve to come back to me and ask for her handcuffs, probably so she could use them on Alyssa fucking Vaughn later, and I lost it. I overreacted and I just...I fucked up. I know I did; but even with the horrible result my freak out yielded, I'd probably do it the same way all over again. I got what I wanted out of it and the consequences could've been much worse.

Sure, Vega was upset; and it'll probably be months before she ends break now, but when I tried to take the ring back, she wouldn't let me. More than that, she looked absolutely horrified that I even tried; so, at least I know she still wants me. Plus, we're essentially engaged. That's something.

It's really not.

Shut up Tori.

I try not to think about how right Tori is on my way home.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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