No Coffee, No Jade: Chapter 11

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I discovered the best way to wake Jade up is to shove a cup of coffee under her nose. She gives this adorable little sniff/ nose twitch thing and then her hand shoots out and grabs the cup; all without opening her eyes in the slightest. It's really cool; but it can be kinda scary too if it's your first time doing it, or if you're not paying close enough attention.

This morning, however, I don't have any coffee on me. I ran out at home, I'm too broke to go out and buy a cup, and Joy doesn't have a coffee maker because she's the only adult in California who doesn't drink the stuff. So, it looks like I'll have to wake my girlfriend up the normal way.

"Jade." I call. "Wake up."

No response. Not that I was expecting much.

I shake her shoulder lightly and call her name again.

"Coffee." She mumbles.

I roll my eyes and lean forward so I can speak directly into her ear.

"Jade, come on. Get- whoa!" my eyes widen when her hand shoots and grabs the front of my shirt before pulling me in close to her face. Like extremely close. Her eyes are still closed so I suspect she's a little more than sixty percent asleep.

"No coffee. No Jade." She grumbles. Then she drops her hand limply over the side of her bed.


"Jade get"-

"No coffee, no Jade." She repeats while pulling her comforter over her head.

Crap, I've really spoiled her, haven't I?

I drop my bag on the ground and start rummaging through it. I'm looking for my lip gloss; and not just any ol' lip gloss either. This one's special. It's coffee flavored. I ordered it online about two days after me and Jade started "dating;" but I haven't used it yet. It's still sealed and everything.

Once I find it, I put a very generous amount on. Jade wants coffee? Okay, I'll give her some dang coffee.

"Jade," I sing. Then I pull the comforter back from her head.

"I said no coffee, no Jade." She groans.

"Well, how about a little Tori instead?"

"But I hate Tor"-

Before she can tell me how much she hates me, I cut her off by biting her top lip while simultaneously forcing my bottom lip into her mouth.

She gasps and then one eye snaps open.

It's a glare. A one-eyed glare that I totally deserve. I was a bit rough because my feelings were hurt, but I can't really be too angry with her. I know Jade doesn't truly like me, even if she is my girlfriend.

And it's not really her fault she almost slipped up and told me she hates me. She was mostly still asleep. I can't expect her to be in character even while unconscious, can I?

Naturally, the thought makes me feel bad for nearly gagging my girlfriend. So, I begin to retract my lip from the inside of her mouth. Imagine my surprise when she chooses that moment to respond to me. First, by shooting her hand out and grabbing the back of my head to keep me still. And second, by sucking, actually sucking, on my lip.

At first, all I can think is "wow" because it feels nothing short of amazing. Then she abruptly quits that and attacks my top lip. And that's when I remember the lip gloss. Coffee flavored. She's sucking it all off!

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