Twisted Reality: Chapter 15

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I... am so... freakin' gay.

I just...I don't know what came over me. One second I'm wazzing out because I bruised Jade's hip, and the next, she's in my lap, my tongue is shoved down her throat, I'm snatching her towel off and... and... oh, God I can't even think about it.

Whaddo I do. Whaddo I do. Whaddo I do....

"Guys..." Amber whines.

Right. She has to wazz. First step, get out of the bathroom, Tori.

I make to get up, but then I realize Jade's still in my lap. And what's more, she's slowly wrapping the towel around herself.

Un-freaking-believable. I mean, I get it. She's the super calm and collected one of the two of us and being caught nearly naked with her girlfriend, by her little sister, is no big deal to her; but still, the girls have really got to stop walking in on us. If not, they'll need so much therapy by the time they're our age.

I turn and address Amber. "Mamita, next time maybe you should knock-"

"I will, I will. Les prometo." she cuts me off with a whine while urgently hopping up and down.

I grin back at her. She remembered how to say she promises. And she pronounced it perfectly. I'm so proud of-whoa! And she's yanking down her shorts. She must really gotta go; and that's my cue to get out.

I grab my girlfriend, (who's still taking her precious time by the way), around the waist and lift her up. It's kinda tricky because she still hasn't secured her towel yet, so I'm trying to hold that in place as well.

"Don't drop me." She hisses.

I roll my eyes and hiss back. "I won't."

"You do it often enough." She glares at me; instantly making me feel guilty. I actually do drop her a lot; like every time I have her in my arms. But I don't mean to. Something always happens to startle me and I

Except for this time. We make it to her room with no problem and I set her down before telling her to hurry up or we'll be late for school.

"Don't tell me what to do!" She snaps back immediately.

I roll my eyes. "Well will you please hurry up?" I answer sarcastically.

She glares at me.

"What?" I ask, my eyes widening just a little to paint a picture of innocence even though I know I was totally being a sabelotodo. But it's not as if I ever really boss her around. And I'm not bossing her now. I'm just stating a fact. If she doesn't hurry up, we will be late for school. And I have a perfect attendance to maintain. She knows that. Everyone knows that. Even Trina knows it and she doesn't even know my birthday.

"Just go on without me." She answers, turning away from me and heading for her closet.

I blink at her back. Go without her? I can't. I'm her ride unless... "You're skipping school?"


"Joy's bringing you?"


I bite my bottom lip as uneasiness starts to settle into the pits of my stomach. If she's not skipping, and Joy's not bringing her, then that means she's either taking the bus or Taxi. Which also means, she must really not want to be anywhere near me.

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