Forfeit: Chapter 23

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I am not a creeper. Maybe a pathetic slut, but most definitely not a stalking creeper.

I came here, to the twins' elementary school, by accident. It's just that today's Thursday; and on Thursdays I pick them up from school. It's been that way for months.

So, I'm not a creeper. I came by accident. Out of habit.

Then I notice Joy's car is a few vehicles in front of me. And I remember. Me and Jade are on a break. Me and Jade need space; so I shouldn't be picking up her little sisters.

I get out of line quickly, and park a little ways off.

I should go home, but while I'm here, I might as well see if I can sneak a quick peek at them.

Okay, now I'm being a bit of a creeper.

I watch Amber and Riley quickly get in the car with their mother; and I roll my eyes as The Lady With The Clipboard gives Joy absolutely no trouble. I mean, I know Joy's their mother, but every time I tried to pick the girls up The Lady With The Clipboard acted like she'd never seen me before. It was like she had a personal thing against me. For no freakin reason at all!

And though I'm sulking a little over The Lady With The Clipboard's treatment of me, I'm still able to keep my focus on Joy's car. She doesn't pull off immediately. She greets her daughters first, but honestly, it looks like one of them is getting more of a scolding than a greeting.

It could only be Riley.

I smile slightly, wondering what my little monstrito has done.

Then Joy's gone.

I pull out too and head home.

I really don't want to go there. I just know it's gonna be weird. Without the twins coming over, I doubt Mom's gonna make tacos, like she's been doing. Papi will probably still watch his hockey, but what will he do afterward? Usually he shoots hoops with the girls.

Oh God, what if he tries to shoot hoops with me and Trina instead? Like we're some kind of substitutes, or something?

And Trina, she'll probably nag the heck out of me since the girls won't be there to play with her. And when I say play with her, I mean they won't be there to act as her mini slaves.

I'm pulling up to my house in no time. Mostly because I don't want to be here right now. That always happens to me. The sooner I want to get to a place, the longer it takes; and the more I dread going somewhere, the quicker it takes to get there.

I unlock the door as quietly as I can, trying to sneak myself in because I don't want anyone to know I'm home, especially Trina.

But, it's really of no use. I soon realize no one is home.

I don't know why that makes me feel a little bit empty. It's what I wanted, right? To not have to deal with my family today. But I don't know. The fact that they're all gone is makes the house empty. The house is never empty on Thursdays. And it makes me feel so alone.

I go to my bedroom and start my homework. But it gets boring real quick. Usually on Thursdays I have the hardest time concentrating on it. There's always some kind of interruption. Amber's thirsty, or Riley just did something she's not supposed to, or Trina's trying to make me join them 'cause she claims she needs extra hands with her hair, or her face, or with her something.

Usually, all that aggravation frustrates me. Usually, I don't get my homework done until eight or nine o'clock. But today, with no interruptions at all, I'm able to breeze through my reading assignments; and they're so freaking boring!

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