Fake Girlfriend: Chapter 19

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I turn quickly and hit my forehead on my locker door.


I rub at my forehead.

What's she doing here so early?

I don't even know why I'm asking myself that. Jade's been coming to school on time lately, but I still haven't fully gotten used to it. It's just too weird.

She's also been a bit moody. Like, she'll switch from being ganky, to affectionate, then back to ganky, with me in a nanosecond.

At first, I thought it was because of what happened at her uncle's...er step-...ex-step-uncle's birthday party, but she seems to be over that.

Then I figured she was on her ladytime; but who's ladytime lasts for three weeks?

"You're so clumsy, baby." Jade rolls her eyes and kisses my forehead.

I give her a small smile and return to getting my stuff out of my locker.

Honestly, I think it's me. I think Jade's probably just tired of me and is ready to go back to Beck now. I know he's definitely ready to get back with her. He's always giving her these longing stares, and he's always sitting by her at lunch, and he always looks away when me and Jade kiss.

I don't know why Jade hasn't broken up with me yet. Maybe since she doesn't hate me anymore she's worried about hurting my feelings.

I can admit it. I'll miss doing stuff with her all the time; but she's never really been mine. I can't stop her from breaking up with her fake girlfriend.

My phone buzzes and I frown a little when I see the screen. Alyssa Vaughn. Why's she texting me so early? She's usually a late riser; like that girl could sleep until one in the afternoon if she's not bothered.

Hopefully everything's alright.

Then I read the text and smile. It says:

Alyssa: Let's do lunch today. My treat!

I text her back what time we go to lunch.

"What are you smiling about?" Jade asks grumpily.

See? Mood change.

I keep my smile though, and I aim it at Jade. "Alyssa invited us to lunch, her treat."

Jade narrows her eyes. "No."

"But I already told her we'd go." I whine a bit. I really do hate going back on my word.

"Wait, we?" she asks.

I nod my head. "Yeah."

"There's no way she invited me," Jade says, quite confidently.

Okay, so Jade threatened to stab Alyssa with her scissors. That was three weeks ago! I think Alyssa's over it. At least, she doesn't talk about it. And she doesn't say anything bad about Jade either, so in my mind everything's all good between them now. We should be able to do lunch with no problem...unless Jade threatens her again.

"She didn't invite just you. She invited us." I point between me and Jade, emphasizing the us part.

"Lemme see." She demands disbelievingly.

I show her the text.

"That says nothing about you bringing your girlfriend, Vega." Jade scowls at me.

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