Mini Jade: Chapter 3

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Jade's house is nice. I'm only a little ashamed that I imagined she lives in a castle with a draw bridge, a moat filled with great white sharks, and human heads on spikes littering the place.

Okay, so maybe I didn't actually think she lived in a castle with a moat and sharks, but I wasn't expecting her house to be normal either.

It's bigger than mine, but not in a way that seems uninviting I guess. I mean, the outside isn't painted black or grey, but a very rich, creamy, beige.

Not that I get a lot of time to admire her house, inside or out, because Jade is all but pulling me inside, through what I'm gonna assume is a dining room, and then upstairs into her bedroom.

I look down at my arm, the one Jade is holding onto. I thought she didn't like to touch people. I mean, she had a wazzfit when I grabbed her arm in the bathroom earlier today; so, why does she keep touching me?

I jerk my arm out of her grasp and cross my arms over my chest. If I can't touch her, she can't touch me. So there!

Okay, that sounded way more immature than I meant for it to, but the concept still stands.

Jade raises a studded eyebrow at me, like she can't believe I had the nerve to snatch my arm away from her. I stare back at her defiantly. Yeah, I had the nerve. It's my arm!

Then it appears; that evil, evil, smirk. It's there for half a second before her face settle's into this blank, 'I couldn't care less about anything' look.

I don't like that look. Only Sociopaths can master it. So I move out of her way when she starts to walk forward.

She pushes her bedroom door shut and I immediately feel stupid. She was shutting her door, not planning on doing anything to me.

She doesn't even spare me a glance as she moves over to her dresser. "I'm gonna take a shower," she announces.

I frown immediately. She's gonna take a shower? And leave me standing here in her bedroom? Doesn't she have the slightest bit of manners? I mean, who does that?

"Those are for you." She says, and I blink a few times before looking at where she's pointing. Sitting on her bed is a small heap of clothes...for me.

That's when I look at her. Really look at her. She's filthy. There's dirt on her face, on her arms, on her clothes, in her hair; just everywhere. Of course she wants to take a shower. We'd just been rolling around in the desert.

"Just stay right here and don't touch anything until I get back." And with that, she leaves the room.

I know Jade doesn't like me. In fact, I'm pretty sure she hates me. I bit her, made her fall, and then licked her boyfriend. We just fought in the desert, and I kicked her in the shins so hard her face practically turned purple due to the effort it took to keep her screams inside, yet she pulled out a change of clothes for me and is going to let me shower after her. I would've expected her to make me stay dirty and uncomfortable until I got home. That's what an evil person would do. Maybe Jade's not as bad as I thought.

Then I take a better look at my surroundings and change my mind. Jade's room is...unique. Sure the wallpaper's relatively normal, and there's a few cut out posters of boy bands that I don't recognize; but there's this one shelf that has a bunch of jars on it. In the jars are...things; like things I can't even describe because I don't know what they are; things that look like they belong in a sci-fi movie about genetically mutated babies or something. Que escalofriante; just plain freaky. I move a little closer, raising my hand to touch, but then I change my mind. Jade did say not to touch anything.

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