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a/n okay before i start the chapter i just wanna day how grateful i am for all of you. especially you haraisfeelz   you have been here from the start and ily sm😩💛. i love everyone who is reading rn. thank you so much for 4k i can't wait to see where this book goes.

genesis's p.o.v

"where's elijah?" i asked again. "he's safe... just that something went wrong with the shipment and he had to stay a lil while longer" lucas said and i plopped on the couch. "he'll be home soon...." mikaela said and hugged me. "i'm going to take a nap" i said and stood up. i went into my room and laid on my bed.

am i overreacting? probably.... he's fine.... right?

*two days later*

"do you want to go out with us?" tessa asked and i nodded. "where to?" i asked. "a friend of ours owns a bowling alley, we go every once in a while" derek said. "sure" i said and stood up. "bowling? i thought you were gangsters" i said and tessa choked on her gum. "oh we are, and we are gangsters at bowling" derek said and i laughed. we went downstairs and everyone was ready. we hopped in the cars and soon pulled up at this big mansion.

we stepped out and walked to the door. i was standing behind max and mika. "finally you guys showed up! let's bowl" a man said and we all walked in. "this must be elijah's girl" the man said and looked at me up and down. "yeah. elijah's girl" derek snapped and the man put his hands up in surrender. "how many months?" he asked closing the door. "five. it's a boy" i said and he nodded.

"i'm Justin" he said and we shook hands. "genesis" i said and we all walked downstairs. "who's ready to bowl?" justin asked and he hit a switch and everyone partnered up. "you can be my partner. don't worry, i don't bite" he said winking. i rolled my eyes and sat down. does he not see that in pregnant?

first up was max and mikaela and they both got a strike. soon it was my turn. "do you need help?" justin asked. "i got it" i said and rolled. i got a strike and i started to dance. everyone laughed and i sat down.


"did you have fun?" alex asked and i nodded. "yeah. justin flirted so much it was annoying" i said and she laughed. "i'm going to go in and take a warm bath" i said and lucas opened the door. my heart started to beat fast and a tear rolled down my cheek. "elijah!" derek yelled and elijah smiled. "we missed you!" mika yelled and he hugged everyone. he walked up to me slowly and i smacked him.

"ow!" he yelled and i cried more. i hugged him and he hugged back. "don't ever do that again" i said and he chuckled. "i'm sorry princess" he said and we pulled away. he kissed me and everyone clapped. "o need a shower" he said and i bit my lip. "i'll help" i said and he winked. "see y'all tomorrow" i said and we walked up the stairs hand in hand.

(i'm not in the mood to write smut rn but you all know what they did in that shower)

after that amazing shower we laid down and he held me close. "i missed you guys" he said and rubbed my belly. "we missed you too" i said and he kissed my nose. "you are gonna kill me" he said and i laughed. "how? why?" i asked and he smiled. "you're changing me genesis" he said and i kissed him. "eli... we're having a kid.. the business you are in isn't safe... i don't want our son to grow up around this" i said and he looked down.

"this isn't just my business. it's my family... the gang is all i have" he said. "now you have us" i said and he kissed me. "i'm so glad we had a one night stand" he said laughing. i rolled my eyes and we cuddled.


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