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genesis's p.o.v

"wake her up" i heard a man snap and soon cold water was dripping off my face. "i'm sorry" a girl said and men pulled her out. a tall man walked up to me and stroked my hair. "hello darling. welcome to my home" he said and i looked around. i was tied to a chair and there was a beat up couch by a window with bars. "why am i here?" i asked and he looked at the men. they stepped out and he pulled a seat in front of me. "your little boyfriend owes me some money. and he killed my men" he snapped.

"what does that have to do with me?" i asked and he rolled his eyes. "well we have you, so either he can give me my money or i kill you. and your baby" he snapped and my heart sank. "please... no" i said and cried. "don't cry. i hate when bitches cry" he said and stood up. "mathew! take care of this bitch!" he yelled and walked out. i continued to cry and soon a man with glasses walked in. he had a towel and he wiped off the water that was thrown at me earlier.

"i'm so sorry...." he said and i made eye contact with him. "he's just really really upset. i won't let him kill you.... i like kids" he said and shyly smiled. "can i trust you?" he asked and i raised an eyebrow. "i'm not that big of a monster. i'll untie you, and met you eat. but you have to stay in that chair" he said and i nodded. "please" he said and i bowed my head.

he untied me and i slowly stood up. he backed up and let me stretched. "stay in here. please" he said and i nodded. he stepped out the room and i looked around. maybe i could find a way out... but if i get out i'll probably die and then elijah would probably go mad.... maybe i should just stay and don't disappoint that man.....

"thank you for listening. i hope you don't mind a sandwich" he said and passed me a plate. i ate and he just stared at me. "is elijah happy?" he asked and i raised an eyebrow. "what? you know him?" i asked and he nodded slowly. "it's a long story" he said and i stopped eating. "dude. i literally have all the time in the world" i said and he sighed.

•he's telling her the story but i'm gonna write it out, make sense?•

**. "are you having fun kid?" elijah asked mathew and he nodded slowly. "what's wrong?" elijah asked and mathew scratched his neck. "i'm so sorry..." mathew said and elijah raised an eyebrow. "they found my mother and are holding her captive. they said they'll release her if i kill you and work for them."mathew said and pulled out a gun. "mathew no!" derek yelled and tackled mathew, but he already pulled the trigger. the whole party was on the floor and elijah stood up, with a bullet in his leg.

"you're a trader?!" elijah yelled and derek grabbed mathew. elijah punched mathew in his face and bloood instantly fell to the floor. "i took you in to my home! put food in your mouth and put clothes on your back and this is how you do me?!" elijah asked and punched him again. "you should have came to me! we would or helped you. we are supposed to be he family" elijah said and punched him again. "find out who he's working for. take care of him" elijah snapped and walked away. **

"why would you do that?" i asked and he looked down. "they had my mother.... even though she abandoned me for drugs she gave birth to me... i had to do something" he said and wiped away a tear. "i'm sure elijah would of helped you" i said and he nodded. "look. just obey what he says. i'll try to contact someone to help you. just listen" he said and walked out the room.


•a week later•

"wake up!" a deep voice yelled and water was poured on me again. "you don't have to put water on me every time! just yell at me, fuck" i said and he slapped me. "anthony! she's pregnant" mathew yelled and he walked over to me. he gave me a towel and anthony growled. "get out" he snapped and mathew gave me puppy dog eyes. "i'm sorry" he whispered and stepped out.

"if you ever, talk back to me again. i'll be sure that you go into labor" he snapped and spit on me. i cried and he laughed. "let's give your boyfriend a call" he said and pulled out a flip phone. he dialed and a number and hit speaker. "hello? who's this?" elijah's voice filled my ears and i scared. "e-elijah! save me!" i yelled and anthony slapped me again. "genesis? who is this?! don't you dare touch my girl" elijah snapped and i cried.

"you aren't here to stop me. you can't do anything elijah. you owe me"he snapped and i heard elijah growl. "what do you want?" elijah asked and anthony walked around the room. "i want my money" he snapped and elijah scoffed. "you'll get your money. if you touch my girl again, i'll put your head on a stick" elijah snapped and the man laughed. he winked at me and walked out the room.

my heart sank and i continued to cry. the door opened and mathew came in with food and a towel. "look. eat and dry up, elijah should be here soon. i sent the address to derek..... when everything starts to go down and hear gunshots stay in here, they'll find you. please tell elijah how sorry i am" mathew said and walked out the room.


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