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genesis's p.o.v

"are you ready?" elijah asked and i nodded. i walked out the bathroom and he had on a button up shirt and boy did it get hot in here. "let's go" he said and kissed me. we went downstairs and was soon in his car. "you can be the DJ" he said and gave me his phone. i went straight to youtube and bumped some bazzi- alone.

"you have a beautiful voice" he said and i smiled. his hand gripped my thigh and i looked down blushing. he lifted my face up and softly kissed me.


we just ordered our food and i was drinking lemonade. "i heard you went bowling with the gang" elijah said and looked me in my eyes. "who was your partner?" he asked. "j-justin" i said and he nodded slowly. "anything you have to tell me?" he asked and leaned forward. "he flirted. but the boys kept checking him. nothing serious" i said and he growled

"excuse me" he said and stood up. he walked straight outside and i looked around. there was about four guys and they were all staring down my throat. i gulped down my saliva and stood up. when i did they jumped up. my heart began to beat fast and i just stood there. "genesis? everything okay?" elijah asked and i turned to face him. they soon sat down and continued to stare at me.

"did you really bring body guards to watch us?" i asked and he scratched his neck. "look.... that shipment i did was risky.... i have to be ready at all times. and i need someone to take you if anything goes wrong" he said and sat down. i sat down and looked at the men who were now eating.

"i'm sorry if they scared you..." he said and i took a sip of my lemonade. soon our waitress came and gave us our food. we ate and had small talk. the men were still looking at us and elijah kept making eye contact with one of them. my anxiety was super high and the man finally stood up.

he came to elijah and whispered something in his ear. he looked at me and looked at the men. they stood up and one grabbed my arm. "let's go miss" the man said and i looked at elijah. "take care of her. baby i'll see you soon" elijah said and kissed me. the man pulled me outside and soon i heard gun shots. "elijah!" i yelled and tried to run back in but he pulled me back.

"miss please. it's for your own safety" he said and opened the car door for me. i stepped in and he began to drive away. my heart was dropping and my stomach was turning. "elijah will be okay, miss" the man said and BOOM. everything went black

i know this story is barely getting views or w.e you wanna call it but i am so thankful. i haven't gotten hate, a few slick remarks but nothing too serious and i'm so scared for the hate... but i would like to say if you have a problem with what i'm writing, you can stop reading. also i'll choose what words to use and i'll pick my own writing style. thank you and i hope you enjoyed the chapter. until next time loves💛

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