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genesis's p.o.v

"let's go out" i said and elijah locked his phone and looked at me. "and go where?" he asked and i shrugged. "let's just go out" i said and he smiled. "how about i take you out for lunch and when we get back there will be a surprise for you" he said and i smiled. "that sounds great" he kissed me and we started to get ready for the day.


"that sushi was so good, thank you baby" i said and kissed elijah. "anything for you" he said and held my hand. "can we talk?" i asked and we got into his car. "when this baby comes... i want to know you will change" i said and he raised an eyebrow. "i am changing" he said and i crosses my arms.

"i mean change your life. i don't want to be a stay at home mom becisse you are out drug dealing and killing people" i said and he sighed. "i told you, genesis. this is my family- well if it's your family, they should understand you have a new family" i said cutting him off. he started the engine and started to drive. we pulled up at this big house and he opened his door. "wait here, i'll be right back" he said and ran towards a house.

i looked around and it was a pretty much neighborhood, this neighborhood reminds me of julie.... oh how i miss her. soon elijah came back and smiled at me. "can you take me to my old apartment?" i asked and he raised an eyebrow. "for what?" he asked. "to see julie, she's my sister and she deserves an answer to why i just left" i said and he nodded slowly. "let's not tell her everything though" he said and i laughed.

we soon pulled into the parking lot of the apartment and butterflies filled my stomach. we walked up to my floor and i couldn't knock. he laughed and knocked for me. the door opened and there she was, she dropped her cup and hugged me. "i missed you so much, where have you been? who's this? OHYYGOOSSHHH ARE YOU PREGNANT?" she asked and started to cry.

"let's sit down and talk" i said and elijah laughed. we sat on the couch and she was rubbing my belly. "how many months?" she asked. "7, its a boy" i said and she smiled. "so. i want all the details, even the dirty ones" she said winking. elijah choked on his spit. "there's water and shit in the kitchen, go help yourself" she said and he stood up.

"well we met that night at the club, came here had sex. uh then uh" i started to choke up and elijah came back. "i asked her to breakfast and we needed back at my place. she stayed for a few days and soon we found out she was pregnant" he said and took a sip of his soda. "when are you coming back?" she asked and i sighed. "i'm not.... i live with elijah and his brothers now. oh and his sisters, i'm happy" i said and she frowned.

"we are having a baby shower next week, you should come" elijah said and she smiled. "that would be great" she said and we hugged. we continued to talk and elijah joined in every once in awhile but he was stuck watching the football game.


"it was so good to see you, ill text you the address" i said and we hugged. "i love you, im so happy for you" she said and rubbed my belly. "i love you too" i smiled, and her and elijah hugged. "take care of my sister" she said and he chuckled. "i will" he said and i hugged her one last time and elijah grabbed my hand. we walked back to the parking lot.

we soon pulled up at the house and when he held my hand his palms were super sweaty, which was odd. i know when i make him nervous, he blushes. but his palms have never been sweaty. we walked in and everyone was waiting for us. "mika?" elijah asked and she nodded. "follow her" elijah said and i raised an eyebrow. he followed me and the gang followed him. "put these on" she said and gave me a blindfold.

she guided me to a room. "ready? one! two! three! take them off!" she yelled and i did. "oh my god! mika!" i yelled and hugged her.

"i was gonna so all blue but i know yellows your favorite color" she said and i started to cry. "we all helped decorate and we all put in" max said and we all did a group hug. "did you know about this?" i asked and elijah smiled. "of course i did, i have one more surprise" he said and took my hand. he got on one knee and my heart started to flutter

"i'm not proposing-yet. this is a promise ring. a promise that i will be your husband one day, a pose that i will be an amazing father, a promise to love you both always and forever and a promise to change my gang ways. i love you, genesis" he said and put the ring on my finger.

"i love you too" i said and kissed him. everyone cheered and i hugged everyone, again. "let's go cuddle" elijah said and pulled me to our room. i took off my heels and laid on the bed. "your ankles are so swollen, aweh my poor princess" he said and grabbed lotion. "baby, you don't have to do this" i said and he laughed. "shhh" he said and rolled up his sleeves. he sat in front of me and started to rub my feet. "i love you" i said and he smiled. "and i love you" he said and i threw my head back.


hello loves! i hope you enjoyed. i don't know when i will update again and i apologize, i know it will be soon though. i have a lot on my plate right now and i just passed some more mashed potatoes, like can you not see my plate is already over flowing? gosh.

but i have been getting some messages asking me to check out someone's story, i will get to it. i promise, i just need to clear my mind right now. i hope you understand and i'm sorry my depression came back.

i love you all,

xoxo, mireyaaa<3

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