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elijah's p.o.v

"thank you so much, max. i appreciate this" i said and he smiled. "anything to make the princess happy" he said and we did a bro hug. i ran upstairs and went to wake up genesis who was sound asleep.

i quietly crawled on the bed and started to kiss her face. "baby. wake. up" i said in between kisses. she smiled and slowly opened her eyes. i haven't kissed her lips yet and i was about to do so until she pushed my face away. "unun. i have to brush my teeth" she said and tried to get up. i pulled her back down and got on top of her. "shut up" i said and kissed her.

she pushed me off and ran to the bathroom. when she was out she sat in the bed. "so here's the plan" i said and she raised an eyebrow. "max is going to watch jayson tonight and i'm taking you out to the city" i said and she smiled. "baabby" she said and kissed me. "now go shower, mika will bring your dress when you are ready" i said kissed her. she smiled and walked to the bathroom.


"what are you guys doing today?" derek asked. "i'm taking her for a carriage ride around the city which will take us to eat at Eleven Madison Park, in the middle of dinner i will give her a necklace" i said smiling. a/n i don't know if they actually do that, but pretend they do lol. "well damn eli" lucas said and we all laughed. "elijah! are you ready?!" tessa yelled.

"yeah tess!" i yelled back and heard laughs. genesis slowly came downstairs and she looked so beautiful, when doesn't she? she had a yellow skin tight dress on, with yellow heels and her hair was straight. her body really popped out in the dress and especially in that color which made my blood boil because men will see what's mine.

"what?" she asked and i shook my head. "n-nothing. you look, beautiful" i said and kissed her. max coughed and i grabbed the roses from him. she smiled and took them from my hands. "take care of my baby" she said as we walked out. "have fun!" alex yelled and i took her hand as i guided her to my black mustang. i opened her door and she slid in.


"the city is so beautiful" she said as we were taken around the city. "how long have you been living in new york?" i asked and she pushed her hair behind her ear. "well i use to live in L.A., until you know.... after everything happened i was sent here to live with my aunt" she said and looked away. "after what happened?" i asked and she shook her head.

"not right now" she said and i nodded. i took her hand into mine and she smiled. "we are here sir" the man said and i smiled. "let's go" i said and stood up. once i was out i carried her down and took her hand. we walked into the restaurant. the whole time she was looking around, admiring everything around her while i was admiring her.

"reservation?" the lady asked and looked at me up and down. she bit her lip and smirked. genesis's grip tightened and she growled at the lady. the lady looked at her and rolled her eyes. "is there a problem?" genesis snapped and the lady scoffed.

"yeah. you are too much of an ugly bitch to be here with him" she spat and genesis let go of my hand. "look bitch. you seem to be too much of a slut to work her" genesis snapped and the girl stepped closer to her. "what did you just call me?" she asked. genesis wiped under her eye and i swear i could see yeh steam come out of her ears. she went to snatch the lady but i pulled her back. "is there a problem here?" an older man asked as i held a squirming genesis.

"yes, this lady called my girlfriend out of her name" i snapped and the man snapped his head towards the lady. "veronica, this was your last strike. you are out" he snapped and she rolled her eyes. "don't let me catch you after this meal" genesis said and the girl ran out the restaurant. "i am truly sorry, follow me this way. it's on me tonight" he said and guided us to the table. "no need, thank you though" i said and the man crossed his arms.

"how about a free bottle of wine, and dessert?" he asked and genesis nodded up and down super fast. "that will be perfect" she said and he smiled. "your waiter will be here soon, let me know if you need anything" he said and walked away.

"genesis, i never seen you like that" i said and she rolled her eyes. "she called me out my name. and she was looking at my baby daddy like he was food, which you are. but my food" she snapped and i bit my lip. she smirked and i held her hand.

"are you ready to order?" a lady asked and we nodded. "i'll take a medium rare steak, salad and a baked potato" i said and she nodded. "and you ma'am?" she asked. "can i get the chicken alfredo" genesis said and the lady nodded.

"what wine would you like?" she asked as she collected our menus. "white wine" genesis said and she nodded. she walked away and sat there talking


"that was so delicious" she said and took a sip of her wine. "i have something for you" i said and she smiled. "what? why?" she asked and i lulled ouy the long box containing her necklace

she smiled as i opened the box. "baby..." she said and i stood up to put it on her neck. "why a rose?" she asked and i smiled. "because my love for you is like a rose, that never dies but only grows" i said and she kissed me. "elijah, i love you so much" she said and i smiled. "and i love you, genesis" i said and kissed her


hope you enjoyed

xoxo, mireyaa

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