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genesis's p.o.v

"shhh. don't cry, momma's right here" i said and picked up jayson as he cried. it's 3am and i've been trying to calm him down since 1.... "babe... go lay down, i'll take care of him" elijah said and took jayson from my arms. he rocked him back and fourth and the crying stopped. i leaned on the door frame and watched. i'm falling for this man more and more as he deals with our son.

he kissed jayson and laid him in the crib. he looked at me and smiled. "he loves you so much" i said and he grabbed my hand. "and he loves you, but he's more of a daddy's boy" he said and i kissed him. "now let's go back to sleep" he said and we walked into our room.


"good afternoon gene" tessa said and passed me a cup of coffee. "hey, and thank you" i said and took a sip. "where are the boys?" i asked. "they went grocery shopping for dinner, they took jayson" she said and i nodded. i leaned on the counter and looked around. "we should clean up, the house is pretty dirty" i said and she laughed. "i try to clean this house everyday, it's so hard living with grown men who act like children" mika said coming down the stairs. i chuckled and alex came out the restroom

"cleaning? yes please, i need to get my mind off things" alex said and i put my cup down. "i'll take the kitchen and living room, alex take the bathrooms, tessa dust stuff, and mika help me" i said and  they all nodded. we split apart and cleaned the whole house, boy was it shiny.

"omg. i can see my reflection in the floor" alex said and we all laughed. we looked around and admired our work and plopped on the couch. we sat there talking and soon the boys came in. "ah ah ah" i said and they all stopped. "take your shoes off" alex snapped and they all looked confused. "now" mika said and they did as told. they came in and set the groceries down. "put the food away" tessa said and they groaned. "you make a mess, we'll cut your dick off" tessa said and we all laughed.

"now gimme my baby" i said and elijah put the carseat with jayson in it on the couch. he cooed and i picked him up. "hi my love, did you have fun with daddy?" i asked and kissed his head. "i'm going to feed jayson and take a bath" i said and walked upstairs.


"dinner was delicious, thank you baby" i said and kissed elijah. "thank you boys" i said and they all smiled. "thank you all for cleaning" lucas said and plopped on the couch. derek plopped next to him and put his feet on the coffee table. i rolled my eyes and alex slapped derek's neck. "feet off" she snapped

we all laughed and derek folded his arms. alex leaned back and just stared at him. i wonder what she was talking about earlier, with the 'i need to get my mind off things' hmm.

"can we watch a movie?" tessa asked and stood up. "sounds good, until jay wakes up" i said and sighed. "it's okay baby, i got him if anything" elijah said and grabbed my hand. i smiled and started to set up our little movie night. tessa grabbed the snacks:popcorn, cookies, candy and soda. derek and max went down to the basement and grabbed a few movies and the rest waited. before the movie started i ran upstairs to my room and grabbed the baby monitor.

i ran back down and sat it in front of me. soon we were watching The Blind side, my favorite. but the whole time i was focused on jayson waking up. once i started to get comfortable the sound of crying blasted through the monitor and i shot up. "i got him" elijah said and i sightly smiled. he kissed my head and jogged upstairs.


hey guys. i know it's short, but i should be updating the next chapter tomorrow, if not thursday for sure lol. but i decided to vent again because why tf not.

well i'm bisexual, about two weeks ago, my sister had a friend and introduced us(on snapchat) , female (lesbian), and liked to be identified as "him/he" so we were talking, a few days in he wanted to meet me. i told him about my hair and he didn't have a problem, he still wanted me. anyways, another week went by and he was coming over(on a sunday) and when he came it was so awkward. he wasn't talking to me, all he did was stare at me and smirk. cute, but weird.

my sister came out and they talked, we went into the living room and we weren't really speaking. but my baby sister was all up on him and i was getting kinda jealous. we went outside and we still weren't talking. we walked to the liquor store and when we came back we were still chilling outside. my sister told him to hug me and he did, we were hugging for like 3 minuets and it was nice. then i pulled away and he pulled me right back, which was sexy af.

after we held hands and my sister went inside so it was just us. he was still staring at me and i had hella butterflies. his uber pulled up and we hugged, we were still holding hands and he was sooo close to my face and i was feeling bold. sooo i was like "are you gonna kiss me? or just stare at me?" and he kissed me. he ran to his uber and i went inside.

about 5 minuets later, he posted on his snap "my uber driver cute, i'm gonna ask for her instagram;)" OOOO IVE NEVER BEEN SO MAD. i was so hurt man. i swiped up and asked "yo you fr?" WANNA KNOW WHAT HE SAID ?!?! HE SAID "yup" MOTHERFUCKIN YUP. maannnnn i'm so angry and sad.

i was really hoping we'd work out. but it's w.e, i'm also mad cause we kissed, i hate that we kissed man. but fuck.

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