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genesis's p.o.v

elijah has been gone for a week on a business trip with derek and max. me and mikaela are both feeling some type of way, which we should. "want some pancakes?" tessa asked me and i shook my head no. "you okay?" alex asked. "i'm fine, just worried about eli and max" i said and they nodded.

"mika hasn't came out her room since wednesday, it's friday" tessa said and i sighed. "i know... she won't let me in" i said and looked upstairs. "we'll get her out tonight" i said and they nodded. we continued to talk and the sound of screaming filled the house. we all shot up thinking it was jayson. it was mika. "mika. open the door" i said calmly and heard shuffling.

"go away guys. im fine" she said and i rolled my eyes. i started to hang on the door and she still wouldn't answer. "mikaela, if you don't open the door i'm gonna busy it open" i snapped and heard sniffles. "genesis, please" she said and i rolled up my sleeves.

i charged at the door with all my might and it opened. she was sitting by the tub bawling her eyes out. i ran by her side and she hugged me. "i-im p-pregnant" she said and we all gasped. we hugged her and she cried more. "are these happy or sad tears?" alex asked and i grabbed the stick that said 'pregnant' i smiled and looked at her.

"both...." she said and looked down. "why?" tessa asked and mika sighed. "she's scared...." i said and she looked at me. "bub, it's okay.. we'll be here for you, i'll be here for you. this baby is a blessing" i said and she smiled. i hugged her and the girls joined in.

"i want a kid" tessa said and crossed her arms. "i want derek to confess he loves me" alex said and sighed. "can we please get the back story to y'all friendship?" i asked and alex took a deep breathe in and started to explain.

"derek use to be bestfriends with my big sister, lexus.... she's a year older then me. i always had a crush on him and people said he had a thing for me.... one day at a party we got drunk and had sex.... my sister found out and went off, not because we had sex or cause i liked him but because she knew he was a fuckboy and he would hurt me...." alex said and we all nodded.

"anyways.... my sister and derek kind of fell off but me and him hung out every once in awhile.... one day she um went out and someone killed her.... he found out and has been attached to me since... he fell into a really deep, dark, hole when she died... i was the only thing that reminded him of her. so he keeps me here, with him... i know he loves me. he's just...." she said and looked down.

"scared... to love you" i said and she nodded slowly. "exactly.... but it sucks... because i want love, especially from him" she said and we hugged her. "now, mika how did you meet max?" tessa asked and mikaela started smiling from ear to ear.

"well one day i was at a club, getting my groove on and i went to the bar to get a drink. some guy was trying to buy me a drink but he seemed sketchy, i kept declining his offer but he didn't take no for an answer. he started to grab me and tried to pull me away and boom. he was on the floor with one punch." she said and started to laugh.

"i looked up and there he was, my prince charming. he made sure i was okay and he bought me a drink. he asked for my number, took me on 6 beautiful dates and then asked me to be his girlfriend. we were together a year before he asked me to marry him" she said and smiled. "that is the cutest shit ever" alex said and mika smiled.

"i'm excited for him to get home and help me with this baby" she said and we all awehed. "your turn" mika said and looked at tessa. "it's not that cute" she said and i rolled my eyes. "wanna know what's not cute? my story" i said and everyone started laughing. "well we met at a drug deal. elijah was selling to my bestfriend and i met lucas. he was so hot and i went for it. he gave me his number and i had him come over that same night and here we are" she said and we all laughed.

"well you all know mine and elijah's story" i said. "do you love him?" alex asked and i nodded. "of course. i haven't been this happy in years, especially now that we have jayson...." i said and they all smiled. "i love you girls, and the guys. i know the gang is his family, and he has a new family now. which he doesn't understand. jayson is 9months today and elijah is already gone for business. i can't do that" i said sighing. "but it's so worth it. the i miss you sex. ugh. it's amazing" tessa said and threw her head back.

"oh my gosh. go off on him when he comes home and the i'm sorry and i missed you sex is 10 times better" mika said and we all laughed. "y'all have sex? we barely hug" alex said sighing. "okay. when everyone comes home, none of us will have sex until you get some" tessa said. "and when he comes home you check him and tell him how you feel. if that doesn't lead to sex we'll fuck him up" i said and she laughed.

"i'm so glad i met you girls" i said and we all hugged. we continued to talk and soon the sound of jayson crying filled my ears. "mommy duties" i said standing up. "i'll be back" i said and ran to his room. i grabbed him out the crib and walked to my room.

i laid on my bed and he was crawling around being a goof ball. "ma-ma" he said and i grabbed him. i kissed his head and he started to play with my face.


hello darlings. i know it wasn't that good of a chapter but i only wrote this to show the back stories behind the amazing couples, if you didn't know this is how they go

elijah-genesis= couple

max-mikaela= married

lucas-tessa= couple

derek-alex= friends (for now(;)

sooo me and my ex have been talking(as friends) and we created this new thing. instead of saying LMAO say LMAI, which means 'laughing my ass in' idk man. but it's so funny you should start saying it😂💀.

aaannyyywwhhooorreee. i hope you enjoyed<3

xoxo, mireyaaa

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