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genesis's p.o.v

"he's so cute, i'm in love" mikaela said and kissed my sons head. "can we come in?" i looedk up and there was elijah and derek. "he's sober, and sorry" derek said and elijah walked in. mika passed me the baby and her and derek walked out.

"gene... i'm so sorry" he said and i held the baby closer. "i should have talked to you about my problems first... i was dumb and i'm sorry" he said. "being sorry doesn't help. you were drunk and missed the birth of our child" i snapped and he sighed. "forgive me, please" he said.

i shyly smiled and he looked at our kid. "did you pick a name?" he asked and i looked down. "jayson mathew hale" i said and he smiled. he kissed my head and i let him hold jayson.


"welcome home!" the gang yelled and i laughed. "shhh. new born here" i said and everyone smiled. "sorry.. can i see my nephew?" tessa asked and i nodded. she took him for my arms and walked around in a small circle. everyone had a chance to hug him and stuff and i was sleepy.

"i'm going to feed him and take a little nap" i said and max gave me jayson. "good night princess" derek said and i smiled at everyone. i waved and walked upstairs. i sat in the rocking chair and started to breastfeed jayson. after i was done i burped him and rocked him back and forth.

i laid him in his crib and leaned over and watched him sleep. he looked so peaceful and my heart fluttered. i can't believe i had a baby.... by a gang leader.... a tear fell from my eye and my heart sank. "baby? are you okay?" i turned to face the door and there was elijah. i wiped my tear away and he stepped closer to me. "talk to me" he said and hugged me. i cried into his chest and he rubbed my back softly.

"let's go to our room so jayson won't wake up" he said and grabbed my hand. he guided me to our room and i sat on the bed. he closed the door and hugged me. "i m-miss my m-mom" i said and cried more. "where is she?" he asked. "she gave me to my aunt when she couldn't take care of me anymore and i haven't heard from her for five years...." i said and he held me tighter.

"i can try and find her...." he said and rubbed my back. i pulled away and looked into his eyes. "are you serious?" i asked and he nodded. "anything for my angel" he said and kissed me. i kissed back and we made our for awhile. "go take a warm bath, i'll go clean up and watch the baby" he said and kissed me. he walked out and i stood up and started the bath.


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