twenty- five

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8 months later

genesis's p.o.v

"babe, we'll be back" elijah said and kissed me. "where are you going?" i asked. "one of our friends is having a drag race, i'll be back before 1, i promise" he said and i sighed. "i'll get home and maybe we can play instead of the kids" he said bitting his lip

i kissed him and smiled. "be careful" i said and he smiled. "i love you" he said. "i love you too" i said and he kissed jayson. "bye dada" he said and crawled on the bed to get to me.

"want to go play outside?" i asked jayson and he nodded. i stood up and we walked downstairs. "hi babies" i said and kissed alexis and alexander while mika fed them.

a/n elijah and genesis are the god parents of alexis and derek and alex are the god parents of alexander

"ugh. play" jayson said pulling my arm. "they need to grow up faster so they can all play and we can rest" mikaela said and i laigehd.

"they are already starting to talk, soon they'll be walking and boom. play dates all day" i said and she nodded. "mama!" jayson groaned and i laughed. "i'll be back" i said and walked out the door so jayson can play on the playground.


"alexis, come to nana" i said and she giggled. i picked her up and blew raspberry on her tummy and she giggled. "what time is it?" i asked and mika pulled out her phone. "it's already 11:30" she said and i nodded. alexis yawned and i rocked her back and forth. soft snores soon filled my ears and i laid her on the couch next to a sleeping jayson and alexander

"me and you should go out, like we can make elijah and max watch the kids and we just have a girls day" mika said and i nodded. "that sounds amazing" i said and she laughed. "how does tomorrow sound?" she asked and i nodded. "sounds like a plan" i said and she laughed.


helloooo ! i've been feeling kinda down because i feel like no one is reading this story anymore:( and i feel like i'm loosing friends, especially my bsf:( but i hope you enjoyed, the next chapter will be longer but plleeaaasseee don't hate me !

be ready for D R A M A

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