twenty- six

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elijah's p.o.v

"are you ready?" i asked as genesis sighed. "can we please take jayson?" she asked and i groaned. "this is a me and you only trip, you'll be fine. you'll see him in a week" i replied and she stood up.

"i also feel bad 'cause they are going to have to watch jayson and the twins" she said. "we'll be fine, plus everyone will help. you go have fun" tessa said and genesis smiled. "this week better go by fast" she said and we walked downstairs.

derek was playing with jayson and i grabbed gene's bags so she could hug jayson. "mama go bye bye?" jayson asked and gene nodded. "i'll be back, baby. you be good,okay?" she asked and he nodded.

she kissed his head and hugged him. "i love you" she said and pulled away to kiss him. "i wove you" he said and she started to cry. "baabbeee, let's go" i said and she rolled her eyes. she hugged everyone bye

"bye little man" i said and kissed jayson's head. we walked out the car and got into the cab.


"how do you like the hotel?" i asked and she looked around. "it's beautiful, hawaii is amazing. but i'm really really sad because i miss jayson" she said and i sighed. "come here, let me help you get your mind off him" i said and she smiled.

she walked towards me and i kissed her. she kissed back and i pushed her on the couch. i started to kiss her neck and slowly went down. "i suggest you go grab a condom before we have another jayson running around" she said and i kissed her.

"what? you don't trust my pull out game?" i asked and she laughed. "aha! of course i do" she said and i kissed her, i went back to kissing her neck and when i pulled away i smirked at the hickey i left.


"wanna go for a swim?" i asked and she nodded. "but can we facetime jayson first?" she asked. "it's 10, he's asleep" i said and she groaned. "i miss him, a lot" she said and i smiled. "he's been all on your mind, i took you away so daddy can get some attention, so c'mon, let's go swimming" i said and pulled her up.

i kissed her and pushed her towards the room so she can change into a bikini. once she was changed we walked out the house and got into the water. "i love you, genesis" i said and she smiled. she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me.

"i love you too, elijah" she said and i bit my lip. i brought her here to propose to her and make her my wife... is right now the moment ? "babe?" she asked. "yeah?" i asked and she laughed.

"you seemed zoned out, you okay?" she asked and i nodded. "do you want to marry me?" i asked and she smiled. "of course i do, why wouldn't i?" she asked and i shrugged. i kissed her and she kissed back.


•four days later••

"dinner was amazing" she said and plopped on the couch. "hell yeah, want dessert?" i asked and she smirked. she got on top of me and started to grind on me, i put my hands on her ass and pulled her closer. she leaned down and kissed me softly.

we were making out when there was a boom. she jumped off me and i held her down. "stay"'i said and she nodded. i stood up slowly and looked down the hall. there was a rock and the window was shattered.

"elijah!" i heard genesis yelled and when i turned around there was a man holding her. my blood boiled and i reached behind my pants, grabbing my pistol. he had a knife to her throat and she was sobbing. "did you think you could go on a vacation and i wouldn't find you?" the mad asked.

"what? who are you?" i asked and he took off his mask. "you killed my brother, now it's my time to kill your little girlfriend" he said and pushed the knife into her throat. "genesis now!" i yelled and as soon as she ducked i fired the pistol, shooting him in the head

he fell to the floor and so did she, she held her throat. "gen- stay away" she snapped and put her hand up. "i want to go home" she snapped and slowly stood up. she asked to the room and i sighed.


we got home about two hours ago and genesis has been in our room rambling since. "where are you going?" i asked as i watched her pack a bag. "somewhere away from this shit" she snapped. "what shit?" i asked and she threw her clothes down.

"what shit? i almost got stabbed! someone tried to kill me for you! while we were on vacation!" she yelled and i sighed. "i wasn't going to let him kill you, you know that" i said sighing.

"it doesn't fucking matter, what if jayson was there? huh? then what?" she asked crossing her arms. "i can't be here, it's not safe for me nor him" she snapped and zipped up her bag.

"you can't leave me" i snapped and blocked the door. "move elijah!" she yelled and i shook my head no. "you can leave me! you are mine! you can't leave when things get hard" i snapped.

"it's not hard! it's life threatening shit, elijah! i almost died three times! what if you aren't there the next time?" she asked and out her head down. "i'll always be there!" i yelled. "move" she snapped.

"no! you can't leave!" i yelled and threw the dresser down. "stop!" she yelled and i continued to throw things. "elijah! stop!" she yelled again and the door swung open. "the kids are crying! stop!" max yelled and looked around the room.

genesis's p.o.v

max stepped in and pushed elijah to the side. "i need to leave" i said. "genesis! you can't leave me!" elijah yelled. i walked out the door and went into jaysons room, i grabbed him some diapers and stuff and went downstairs. i took him from mikaela.

"where are you going? you don't have money" mika said and i shrugged. "i'll be fine" i said and elijah game rushing down the stairs. "genesis! don't you dare leave!" he yelled again and i grabbed the keys

"you're overreacting" he said and i stopped. "overreacting? i almost died! i don't feel safe.... i need to leave" i said and walked out the house. i got jayson into his car seat and started to drive away.

i still have that money that elijah's mom gave me... i can get a hotel room. "mama? dada?" jayson asked and i asked. "you and me are going bye bye" i said and he giggled.



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