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(Hey guys sorry it's been so long!!! I promise you that this chapter is going to be long!  Plus I been busy and things so I really couldn't work on this story anywhere let's continue!!!  Hope you like it!!!)

(Alec P.O.V.)  ( A/N: Finally right!!! :))) )
    Some days ago I think that I saw funneh, but I wasn't sure though...However today I was sure I saw funneh. I was driving in my car when i stopped at a red light, and that's when I saw a short blue headed girl walking inside a ice cream shop with a tall golden headed girl.

     I was thinking about saying hi to them.  But I remembered that I havent seen them for a while and that it will be a bit uptightish. So when the light turned green I continued on...

~Time skipped~

         I just got to my dorm, I looked in my mail box to see a letter. I have gotten an invitation to a masked party ball. It was really random though. Like it just came out of know where really.  The note read,
     Dear Alec, 
  You have just been invited to a masked ball party. This means you have to bring a mask but know one can know who you are,  and what I mean is your gonna have to keep your identity a secret. 
     Also there are going to be many things at the ball masked party. Like lunch, Deserts,  and other tasty things. However don't forget to bring a suit to this party. And look as fancy as possible too. 
     Anywho I can't wait to see you there.
  -From Mr.????? 

( A/N: Hehehehe, this person is a secret )

  When I finished reading it I looked to see if there was another price of paper with the location, and just as I expected. There was!
  I quickly grabbed it and read it.  It said it was going to start tomorrow at 8pm. So I got into my car. To go buy a suit and mask.

( Funneh P.O.V.)

    We got to are room, but I still felt sad after what we talked about...Anyway we entered are room to find an envelope ok n the floor.
    I picked it up, and opened it. It's said that me and gold are invited to a masked party ball, and that it was gonna be tomorrow. I handed to gold for she can read it. After a minute she looked up at me, and before she could say anything Kyran then comes bursting into the room.

"Gold! Funneh! Did you guys get an envelope!"
Kyran yells out.

"Yes we did actually!"
Gold says with a smile on her face.
     Kyran then hugs gold and kisses her nose.

"Yaaaayyy!!! We all get to go together!! But especially get to go with you."
Kyran says with a smirk while looking at gold. Gold giggles at kyran.

    However while they had there talk I went to the window and looked out the window.  I kept hearing gold and kyran giggle, while they called each other goofy names like,
'My googy bear' or 'My red squishy cherry'
And some other weird names.
    However while they did that I kept thinking about Alec. I tried to stop my self from thinking about him but it was just impossible. I was about tear up,  but I was able to stop my self when gold grabbed on to my shoulder.

"Wanna go shopping?"
Gold said with a smile on her face.

I smiled back.

~Time skipped~

    We made it to the mall and some how I managed to already loose them....Yayy....
Anywho, I walk in this place called "The Grand Dresser" To be honest I needed a dress and mask for the party. However I needed gold for this. I wasn't the type to choosey own dresses on my own.  I don't even know what a good dress is!?
     So I quickly turned around, however at that moment I thought how gold will probably make me take a longer time choosing out a dress. So I looked back at the store and walked in.

    I saw all these dresses that we're super fancy, and they also looked super expensive.
I walked around to see if there was a dress I liked...

~Two minutes later~
       At last!!! I found a dress that will change my future!!! What stood in front of me was a blue dress with greenish looking emeralds around the collar of the dress. It also is a dress that goes up to the knees and it came with a pretty blue emerald neckless.
    It didn't really have a lot of designs but I still loved the way it looked!!! It was the last one on the Clothes Rack. I quickly grab it to make sure no one else would before me.
      I went over to the register and asked the women there.  That I would be buying this fabulous dress. She took it from my hands and scanned it.

Women: "That would be twenty thousand dollars."

Funneh: "what!?"

Women: "I saaaa-"

Funneh: "I know what you said. It's just how is it possible that a dress can cost this much!??"

   "well this is a beautiful place. However it makes sence if you can't buy it.  You are pretty low on looks." The women chuckled.

"Excuse mehhh!!  But I have a hi-"
Before I can finish my sentence. A guy grabs my shoulder and says to the woman.

"Ill pay for it.  How much did it cost?"

"Oh my! For you handsome it'll be 10 thousand!" The woman replies with a smile. 

"Psssht" I wispered to myself, while clenching my fist.

    I then remembered that there was a man behind me. I look behind me and I was shocked to who I saw...


( Heheheehe I left you guys with a cliff hanger again!!  Mwaaaahaaha!!  However like I said this one was going to be long and it is long!  Its about 1017 word long. Wow! Right!? Anyway hope you guys like it and I'll try to update soon!!!  Anyway
Kawaii_is_me oooouutt!!!  :3 )

When We Meet Again. (FunnehxAlec) -DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now