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(Author's P. O. V.)

Tom nodded as he begun to walk out of the room,

"Wait!"  The Red Leader called out as he put his hand out. Tom stopped as he turned to looked at the Leader, Funneh looked over at Tom as she was frighten and did not want to look at the Leader.

"Yes Tor-I mean RED LEADER." Tom said as he nervously laughed.  The leader shot him a glare causing Tom to gulp. 

"Bring the other one now." The Red Leader  demanded.  Tom nodded as he then walked out of the room closing the door on the way out. Funneh felt anxious ones the door closed, she slowly turned around as she made eyecontact with the Leader. 

The Leader stayed quiet for a sec, making Funneh even more nervous as she gulped.

".... So... You want to know why your here?" The Red Leader said as he intertwined his fingers together.

Funneh didn't say anything at the moment as she was well frightened to say anything...but after a few seconds she final build up the courage to speak.

"Ye-s... W-why...am I he-re..?" Funneh replied with a hint of scaredness in her voice as she hesitantly spoke.

"Hmf. Well, all questions will be answered, but right now, I only answer a few like maybe two? But until the other comes, I will tell you the rest....well maybe." The Red Leader said as he looked at her with no emotion on his face.

Funneh just gulped as she nodded.
"S-so... Who's the o-other...?" Funneh said nervously.

"Hm. Her? Well she someone.... You can say that... " He said as he slight waved on hand up.

".... A-nd... Why am I he-re?" Funneh asked her last questioned as she shook slightly.

"Ah yes... I thought you might ask that.... But... Thats a question I can not answer." He said as he put his hand down and leaned back on his chair.

".. Well wh-y a-"

"Ah ah ah!  No more questions,  that was your last one." The leader said as he put a finger up.

"What? How?  You didn't even answer that question so how does that count?" Gunned said as she stood straight up. 

"... Well it technically is a question... And I technically answered it. " He said as he put his finger down and looked up.

Funneh just looked at him as she stared in unbelief.  "That's not fair. I still need answers!" Funneh yelled as she ft this were unfair.

The leader looked back at her as he crossed his arms.  "I told you that further questions will be answered when she gets here. However for now you stay put. " He said as he lightly growled.  Causeing funny to slightly jump.

"O-oka-y.... " She replied as she looked down. 


    There was a knock on the door as The Red Leader was looking at a magazine before jerking his head up.  Funneh was just sitting there quietly not really having anything to do.  However when she also heard the knock she whipped her head back and looked at the door.

"Come in." The leader said as he sat back up.
The door slowly opened as Tom came in with a figure behind him. 

"She's here." Tom said,  Funneh looked over as she quintet her eyes a but trying to see who it was. The girl soon came to view as she walked more forward. Revealing herself....




You guys have to know her. She plays with funneh!  Yesss I added her!  And I left it in a cliff hanger!!!


Plz don't hate me  ;-;


When We Meet Again. (FunnehxAlec) -DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now