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(Alec P.O.V)

"Hi. I'm gold."

Gold says as she puts her hand out. I stood there as my mouth dropped open.  'G-Gold...' i thought.
Gold looked at me confused as she still kept her hand out. 

"Is everything.... Okay?..."  Gold questioned still confused.

I looked at her for another second before I snapped back to reality.  " Y-yeah every-things fine!" I yelled.  Gold looked at the man next to her as he looked back at her,  they both then looked back at me.

"..... May... I ask... Who are you? " Gold asked as she took a step forward but then the man grabbed her shoulder.  She looked at him as he nodded no slightly.  She looked back at me.

I hesitated at first as I gulped,  "Um.... W-ell the thi-ng is.... I.. Uh.. Well.. It's just... You won't like the person underneath this mask." I said the last part with a straight face.

"Well I highly doubt that, unless your Donold Trump. " The male said as he crossed his arms and looked at me also with no emotion on his face.

Gold looked over at the male as she nudged him,  "shut it kyran. " Gold said as she looked at him a bit angrily. My eyes then widen again as I looked at him.

"K-kyran?" I said shocked as I looked at him,  the male she 'called' kyran looked at me. 

"Yeah?" He replied as he turned over to look at me.

"..... Oh god... It's really you guys.... " I said as I looked at the two. 

"Um.... Yeah... It really is us...? " Gold spoke confused at all at what I was saying right now.... Which I don't blame them,  I did sound pretty retarded right now.

"Hey,  you kind of sound familiar... " Kyran looks at me squinting his eyes as he takes his mask off. Revealing his identity.

I just looked at them not knowing what to honestly do as I look away thinking. There was honestly no backing away honestly... Unless I just ran off jump through a window and dip this place like 'all' dem fortnite players be doin. Plus.  I can't loose any more time, I'm still looking for Blue.

I sigh deeply, I look back at them.
"Gold... Kyran.... It's me. Alec." I said already regretting it, as I remove the mask that was now in my hand.


(Funneh P.O.V)


I look at her and him in total shock and disbelief.  Aphmau looked at me with sorrow in her eyes.  If I were being honest right now.  She looked weak in my point of view. 

The male called Tom, walked Aphmau over to me.  As he then sat her down the chair besides me. I looked over at Aqhmau seeing her limp on the chair,  I looked back at the Tom. He was standing up tall,  his hands behind his back and his eyes looking straight forward. Not even glancing at me once. 

I turned my head around to look at the Red Leader man.  He had his chin rested on his palm as he looked back at me also,  a grin placed on his face.  I gritted my teeth slightly. 

"Is this the girl you were talking about? " I spoke with a slight sass in my voice.

He chuckled.

"Oh yes. Isn't she perfect?" He sneered.  Causing me to slightly cringe.

"What are you planning to do with us?" I said giving a scowled expression.

The Red Leader looked at me for a sec before looking at the other male.  He waved his hand at him...I'm guessing for dismissal..?  Because as soon as I turned around, he had walked over to the door he opened it and left.  Locking the door on the way out. I look back at the other male, giving him glower look.

The Red Leader also looked back at me as his face looked emotionless. He leaned back on his office chair getting comfortable. I look over at Aphmau to see her... Sad... What did they do to her...? I then get startled by a loud slam from the direction of R/L I look back at the R/L, Aphmau doing the same.

"Do you still want to know or what?" R/L said with a eyebrow up as his hand was on the desk,  which I assumed he slammed his hand onto the desk to get are attention.

"Yes... Yes!! I want to know why I'm here!"
Aphmau then says out of nowhere as she gets up from the chair and slams her hands on his desk.

I look over at her for a second before looking back at R/L.

"I'm with her!  I want to know why i- we're here!" I yell as I repeat the same action Aphmau had just done a second ago. 

R/L looked at both of us unamused as he just sat up and interwineded his fingers together.

"Alright.... However first......" He then pressed a button as his microphone turned on.  He spoke into it.
"I need soliders A and B to come to my office immediately. Thomas,  Patryk,  and Paul I need you to come also."  R/L said as he then unpressed the button.

After about a minute I start hearing loud foot stomps from outside the room,  I look over startled at the sudden sound that came from outside the room.  Soon after a whole bunch of people marched in with guns and pistols and other things.

Two people pinned me down on the desk as they handcuffed me. I yelped as I squirmed trying to get out of there grip.

"What are you doing!!!??? " I yelled as I continued to squirm. 

"... It's for your own good.. " R/L said with a chuckle at the end.

I slightly growl as I look over at Aphmau. She was also pinned down by three other soilders. As she squirmed,  her eyes flashing a bit.... Wait.  Flashing?  How?  However before I can finish my thoughts....

everything quickly turns black.


HEY GUUUYYSSSSSS!!! I decided to update sooner then 2 weeks and a half if that,s what i said.... Anyway i have to go update another story right now, so......

hope you enjoyed the cliff hanger!! :b 


When We Meet Again. (FunnehxAlec) -DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now