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  (Alec P. O. V.)

     I woke up on a cold hard floor,  I sat up as  I rubbed my head. 'What happened?' I wonder as I look around,  as I squint my eyes. As I looked around I saw some people on the floor.  However not many..... I get up from the floor as I walk around the place looking around.  I felt like I forgotten something but I can't seem to reme- and then it hit me.  It hit me like if a chipmunk were to through peanuts at you.

~flash back~

  "You know you remind me of someo-"
Blue then gets cutt off by a huge explosion in the entrance. Blue looks over as she gets frighten,  she then sees men break the windows as they jumped in holding guns.

a man yelled.  Blue was terrified she looked at me and before she can say anything she then gets pulled away from me. I try to reach to her but i get held down. 

"Blue!" I calls out. Blue looked as if she could barely here me. Her eyes satred to close slowly each second. I yell out one more time hoping she would hear me.


~Back from flashback~

   "Omigosh I remember! " I yell out. I run out the front doors as I look around,

"Blue! " I yell out.

"Blue! " I yell out again.

   I go around the area as I scream for her name.  I don't know why I care do much..... She reminds me of someone.... She reminds me of..... Her.  I didn't want to really think of her name right now.  I stop running as I start breathing heavily. 

"Fuuuuckk." I say to myself.

"Where is she!?" I yell out.

I then run to the nearest police station.  I run inside as I go to this lady who was at the front desk,

"Hello how may I he-"

"THIS GIRL IS MISSING!!" I yell it erupting her. 

"Mhm.... And I'm guessing it from the place that happened when all the windows broke down and everything. " The lady responded.

      I simply nod,

"Oh well... We are already trying to look for the people who caused this,  and as we do this we might just find the missing people." The woman said calmly. 

"Can't you just look for her now!?"  I yelled questionably.

"Sorry sir... But we got so many reports about the same thing that I don't even think its possible for me to say we can do this... Except for hope for the best. " The lady responded. 

"UGH!" I growled as I walked out the police station, 'shit I'm gonna have to find her,  huh' I said to myself. 

     I then begun to walk back to the ball party was held as I walk in hoping to find clues already half the people we're awake and half we're still on the floor.  'If they know about this then why didn't they do shit!?' I think to myself before seeing a blond headed girl and blue headed boy walking towards me. 

     I get a bit tense. They then looked at me with there mask on,

"Where's 'Blue?'" The blue haired one said. 

" I don't know... I tried looki-wait you know her? " I question.

"Yes we do!  She's my best friend!" The gold one said she honestly sounded familiar she then looked at the blue headed guy before looking back at me.  She then grabbed her mask as she slowly took it off,  she looked down for a second before looking up revealing her face.

"Hi. I'm gold."



Hey sorry for not writing my story this time I actually was busy,  I have a job -_- hurray!.... If I already told you guys this in my last chapter then.... I forgot.

Because I have no good memory.  Anyway I'll write the second one next week!  Hopefully.

-kawaii_is_me OOOOUT!!

When We Meet Again. (FunnehxAlec) -DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now