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(Funneh P. O. V.)

I was in shock as I saw the tall male figure in front of me. Who appeared to be Evan?

"Hey Funneh! Long time no see!" Evan chuckled as he smiled at me.

"Yeah... Long time no see. Where have you been? " I asked as I looked at him with my head tilted.

"Well you know? I went To a college that actually cost quite a lot. However I've been studying and was busy so yeah... However I missed hanging out with you and the others!" Evan sad as he pulled out his wallet and took out his credit card and handed it to the lady. The lady kindly took it and placed it in one of those machines. I never knew honestly what they where called?

"Yeah we missed hanging out with you too! "
I said as I smiled at him.
"Thank by the way. "

"No prob. Hey however we should hang out sometime! You know with the others? "
Evan replied as he took his card back from the lady.

I grabbed the bags and looked up at even and said, "Sure! I loved that." I smiled at him. I then thanked him once more as I started walk off.

"You going to a party!" Evan yelled as he looked at me.

"Yeah! Honestly I'm not a big fan of party's!"
I laughed nervously. However I then stopped in my tracks. I then turned around and walked over to him.
"Do you have a pen? " I said as I looked at him.

"Yeah." Evan said as he pulled out a black, silvered pen. It looked expensive. I quickly grabbed it from him and then looked down at his hand. I grabbed his hand and wrote down something. He looked at it in surprised.

"Y-your giving me your n-number? " Evan said stuttering a bit.

"Yup. Who wouldnt want to contact an old friends of there's? " I said turning around as i start walking out the store. "Besides! It be more fun to chat with someone else while gold and Kyran are acting love-dovey tired each other!" I yelled.

"No way they didn't! " Evan yelled back at me with a hint of surprise in his voice.

"Yeah they did! " I replied with a giggle.

"Oh my god! I knew they where gonna be together some day! You gotta tell me all the details! "

"I will! And your gonna laugh as you here one part! " I yelled as I smiled.

"I know I will! See you soon!" Evan yelled.

I smiled warmly as the thought of having another friend with me again. I loved the feeling. Not only that, Evan changed, he was now sweet and funny and understanding... Probably a little more cute in that suit of his. As I thought about that a small blush appeared in my face. What am I thinking! He's my friend! And that's all he'll ever be! Jesus Christ! What is up with me today!

I started to walk faster not looking ahead of me. I then bumped into someone.

"Opps sorry didn't mean to-"

"Funneh!! Where were you I was looking all around for you!! We got worried that something might've happend! " Gold said as she looked at me with a serious face. I looked at gold for a good second before liking down.

"Funneh what is that in your hand?"
Gold said as she reached for it, however I didn't hesitate as she took it from me. I looked at her, I saw how she peeked inside and then showed a shock face.

"Funneh.... Is this from The Grand Dresser?"

I nodded, her eyes then widen even more.

"How did you get this much money to by a dress like this!? You didn't steal it did you.....? " Gold said the last sentence quieter.
However as she said it, my head shot up as I looked at her with my eyes widen also.

"N-No! Why would you even think that!? " I said shaking my hands at Gold.

"Then how'd you get it? " Kiran says, finally joining in are conversation.

I looked down at my shoes a little nervous to speak some how.
"Uh... From a old friend..... "

"And whats he or her's name? " Gold asked firmly.

Before saying anything, I looked up at her with a stern look, trying not to look nervous. "Well do you remember..... E-Evan? "

Gold eyes quickly widen again, " No way..... D-Did he buy that for you? "

I nodded my head as I looked back at her. She quickly then smiled and said, "How was it? "

"How was what? "

"Well you know! Seeing him again! How did it go? Is he still the same old Evan? " Gold said with one eye-brow up. I looked at gold for sec as I thought, then a faint blush came to my cheek.

"W-well he has changed honestly.... He now is a lot taller.... And uh.... H-He is more funny!.... He also is sweet now.... And he's a bit cute honestly.... " As I said the last sentence, I quickly slapped my hand on my mouth as I regretted the moment i said...cute.

Gold then creeply smiled more as she walked towards me and put a arm around my neck.

"Oh! My dear best friend!! " Gold said as he rattled me back and forth. "How much I now know you might have a thing for Evan!"

I quickly blushed a deep cherry blossom red as I hear those words come out of Golds mouth.

"I knew you would find someone to share your love with! " Gold said as she looked up with a bright smile.

"What do you mean!? Evan me are just friends! And that's all we will ever be! "
I replied quickly as I still blush.

"Awww your just to adorable when I think comes to relationships! Knowing that you have no integence on what it can bring you." Gold said letting go of my neck and walked over to kyran.

However before I could say anything she quickly grabbed my arm. She then started walking towards the front doors.

"Let's go home for we can change for the ball! You might even find The one." Gold wink at me as she laughed. I blushed once more. I looked behind me to see if kyran was there, he was not. As I looked back in front surprisingly he was there. Damn for such a skinny man he really catches up quickly. I thought as I giggled a little.

And there are adventure started! The one that I doubt we will ever go back to. Or maybe even stop it from happening. As we walked through the doors, all i could do was smile as I see my two bestest friends also smile. Now this was something I didn't want to miss.

"The ball we shall go! " Gold shouted, as we all laughed happily.

I loved this moment. However little did i know that something terrible was coming my way as I walked through those doors, and I just wished that I just had turned


Yeah.... Plz don't be mad at me.... I'm sorry... but not really though.

And as I know you'll all be screaming in anger as to why funneh thinks even is cute or asking if she likes him, or asking Is this even a falec story anymore!?

Well your gonna have to continue on reading if you want to find out! Wink wink! ;)

However sorry for posting to late. I hope this chapter at least brightened you up a little even though it was probably not as expected. Excpesially between funneh and Even.

However see you guys in the next chapter!!

Kawaiii_is_me oooout!!!!!

When We Meet Again. (FunnehxAlec) -DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now