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(Gold p.o.v.)


I say loudly, I then get off of kyran. I grab my shirt and put it on, I then grab kyrans and toss it at him. I then yell at him saying,


Kyran then puts his shirt on. I then grab his hand, and lead us both out of the door I then close it and lock it. We then start running down the hall looking for funneh.

(Kyran p.o.v.)


I yelled out. Funneh didn't seem to be nowhere here. We looked for funneh for almost an hour, we then gave up and started heading to a cafe nearby. We get to the cafe and sit in a booth next to a window, we both order just a plain coffee and some toast. Gold then ask all of a sudden,

"Kyran do you like me?"

I then feel my self blush real hard. I try to cover it with my sleeve but gold notice this,  and giggled. I then look at her, we both stared at each other for what almost felt like and hour. I then look down and say with a low voice,



Gold replies with a smile on her face.
I then say again with a median low voice,


"Yes, you what?"
Gold then says teasingly. Now I have a feeling that she's trying to make me say I love you.... so then I say out loud,


Everyone in the cafe then turns to us. I regreted doing this. Golds face was all red.
Gold just looked at me speechless, I was embarrassed.
We both then walked out of the cafe. I paid for are coffee and toasts. And to be excact we didnt eat or drink much. We started walking to the park saying nothing. Gold then says breaking the silence between us,

"Kyran i-i love y-you too!"

I then blush a bright pink red. But I also saw Gold blushing too. I then say with a small smile,

"Do you want to go to the theater with me tommorow?"

Gold then looks at me and says with a smile,

"Yes I would love too."

Gold then kissed me making me blush. I then started to walk her to her room. Gold then holds my hand i tried not to sweat, but i think i still did. When we got to her room I then said goodbye. Gold then said goodbye and kissed me on the cheek. I blush again, gold giggled. She then closed her door and locked it. I then started walking back to my dorm thinking about me going to Las Vegas.

(Gold p.o.v.)

I walk in to see Funneh already sleeping. Well it was 9pm, so I shouldn't blame her. I then walked over to her bed. I look down at her and pat her head. I have to say funneh is like a sister to me. I care for her alot. I then see a fresh tear on her cheek. I then think, Has she been crying!? Did she cry herself to sleep!? Why!? Was it because I was with kyran!? Does she like kyran!? Question kept running through my mind. I then head over to my bed, i lay down and cover myself with my blanket. I then say to myself that I am going to ask her about this tommorow morning.

When We Meet Again. (FunnehxAlec) -DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now