{Dani's POV}
I wake up and frown, remembering how Peter always jumped on my bed in the mornings. It may seem annoying, but honestly, it was the cutest thing to wake up to. I miss him.
"Dani, whats up? You seem out of it." Malissa says, sitting on my bed. I shake my head and walk into the closet before changing and walking downstairs.
"I don't wanna go!" I hear Seth yell from the front room. I walk into the room and go up to him, hugging him tightly. His sobs break my heart as his new parents watch us. I smile weakly at them and and release Seth, who had reduced his sobs to just tears.
"It's okay, Seth. You're our new baby boy. We're adopting Claire if that helps." The woman grins hopefully. He looks up at her, then me. I throw a fake smile at him and gently nudge him towards the new parents.
"Okay, I'm ready. Seth, why are you crying?" Claire asks, dropping her bags and running up to him. He breaks down into sobs again, clutching the back of Claire's shirt like he was going to fall off a cliff if he let go. I rub his back soothingly and slightly smile at Claire, who was confused.
"Claire, they're taking me away from sissy! I don't want to go! Please don't let them take me." His voice reduces to a whisper as he rubs his eyes. Claire picks him up and sets him on her hip, walking up to their new parents.
"Seth, buddy, it'll be alright, we can visit soon! You and this girl-"
"-Danielle. Her name is Danielle." Seth inerupts quietly.
'Well, you and Danielle will be able to see each other often." The man smiles, setting a hand on Seth's shoulder. Seth smiles through his tears and nods. The man takes Claire and Seth's bags as Claire walks behind the woman, Seth in her arms. I smile and wave at the new family as they pull out of the driveway. I walk into the living room and look at the clock. 5:45. Not bad, I mean, at least I have time to clean up the place as its terribbly messy.
First I start off with cleaning my room because I never have any time, whatsoever, to clean it. Walking into my room, I spot a pile of dirty laundry and scrunch my nose up in disgust. Ew, okay...
I put the dirty clothes into a laundry basket and carry it to the laundry room a few doors down. As I dump the clothes into the washing machine, I think about the dream I had a few days ago.
What does it mean? I ask myself. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Maybe my mind is right. Just because you have a dream about something, doesn't mean that it'll ever happen in real life.
I snap out of my trance and return to dumping the clothes in the washer.
I walk into the kitchen, seeing that Malissa had already made breakfast. I quickly count the remaining kids. Only 2 are left. One of them is named James, and the other is Arielle. I love Arielles name, but she insists that everyone calls her Ari. I understand. I mean, I'd rather everybody call me Dani than Danielle. It just has a better ring to it. Aaaannnd my thoughts just trailed off. It's not I mind though. I like thinking about random things like puppies, rainbows, a hapy life, Max, wait, wait, wait I'm getting off topic again. And since when do I like to think about Max? I mean, he is sweet and all, but I don't think I'm ready to date just yet. It's kinda stuid to date when you're 13. I mean, you're 13! Don't waste your life trying to find 'The One' just yet. At least wait until you're 16 or something! Do you really think that a relationship will last forever when you're 13? No, didn't think so.
Oh gosh, I got off topic again. Anyway, I walked back to my room and grabbed my trashcan before taking outside to the dumpster, cathing a glimpse of a small limo as it turns the corner. Probably Zayn and them. I say to myself. Dashing into my room, I set my trashcan back in it's place and organise my closet. Well, it's barely even considered a closet. More like a trick door that opens up to reveal a wall. Yeah, it's that tiny.
After doing that, I check the time again. 6:30. Time flys by when you're cleaning, I guess. (A/N: Totally not true for me. It's the opposite, actually! Oops.)
I quickly finish up my room and clean the empty ones, as sometimes kids leave stuff behind. I pick up a few small toys from under the bunks, but not much other than that. I put the toys into the toy bin and walk downstairs, setting it next to the doorway of the living room. I wk back into the kitchen just as everybody finishes eating.
"You guys ready?" Malissa asks the two younger ones, who nod. Oh wait, there are four of us. I didn't count me or Malissa because we practically live here. She smiles at me as she takes their hands and walks them to the school.
I clean up the table quickly before rushing to school. Immediately, I am pushed to the cement sidewalk and kicked in the stomach. Tears sting my eyes as kids gather arond us.
"Fight Fight Fight Fight..." They chant, some of them kicking me along the way. Even if I fought back, I would be useless. 8 against 1 is not fair.
"Kids, get away!" I hear a feminine voice say from being one of the kids. The other kids just laugh at me and continue, making the person mad.
"No thanks, we're kinda continuing our everyday ritual." The main bully, I never got his name, says. The person pushes through the crowd and gasps.
DON'T KILL ME! PLEASE DON'T! Haha cliffhanger suckaa! No, that was mean =( Anyway, my sister (Who bet me to make this) is gone for two days, so maybe I'll actually be able to update instead of attempting to create amazingly amazing comebacks to use against her, as she is VERY sassy. She takes after her sister =) Oops.
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Not much action (sadly), but I promise the next one will be pretty intense.

Little Adoption [Discontinued Until Further Notice!]
FanfictionDanielle, better known as Dani, hasn't spoken for 9 years. She gets bullied everyday, has trust issues and lives in an orphanage, where she is the oldest, only being 13. To the kids in the orphanage, she's their big sister, but when she gets adopted...