{Dani's POV}
I smile as I walk out into the living room.
"Are you okay? You were in there for a while." Leigh says. I nod and set my clothes on a chair, sitting next to the girls.
"Okay so, um... What should we do?"
"I don't know, play board games maybe?" Perrie suggests. We nod.
"Sounds good." Jesy smiles.
"Okay. We have: Sorry, Twister, Jenga, Monopoly, and Yahtzee." Perrie lists off, showing me the games. I point to Sorry. "Sorry it is!" She laughs, setting it on the kitchen table.
I smile as Jesy and Jade sit next to me. Leigh sits next to Jesy, and Perrie sits next to Jade.
{Layout:(it's a round table btw)
Leigh Perrie
Jesy Jade
Dani (I thought I'd clear that up) 😋}
I grin as Jesy and Perrie playfully argue over a move that Jade had played. Jade was just looking around awkwardly and Leigh was looking at all of them amusingly.
"I have an idea! Why don't we just read the instructions?" Jade interrupts, finally speaking up.
"Oh, yeah, okay." Jesy smiles sheeply as Perrie pulls out the instructions.
"See right here! 'The player can go to Home even if the number is over the amount of spaces needed' Jade is safe." Perrie says with a smirk. Leigh takes it from her.
"Perrie, where in the world does it say that?" Leigh laughs. "It says you have to have exactly the amount of spaces to be able to go all the way to the Home." Leigh points to it. Perrie pouts as well as Jade. I bite my lip to keep from laughing.
"You ruined it! Jade, she ruined it!" Perrie whines, before cracking a small smile. I can't take it anymore and before I know I'm laughing my head off. The girls grin at me just before I fall to the floor in laughter.
I look up and they're leaning over the table and giving me strange looks, making me laugh harder.
"You laughed!" Leigh grins happily as she helps me up. I nod.
"By the way you should laugh more often. It's cute." Jesy pokes my side. I shake my head at her and hold up my finger. I reach for the pad of spare paper I always keep in my back pockets, and grab the pen that was on the table.
'I feel bad for the boys. They were only trying to help me and I shut them out.' I frown a little. Jade side-hugs me.
"You hungry? This game is making me hungry." Jesy whispers in my ear. I nod. "Dani and I are hungry. Anyone else?" Everyone else agrees and we stand up.
"Where to?" Leigh asks, sitting in the front.
"It's up to Dani." I look around before shrugging.
'You guys choose. I don't know any places around here.' Perrie nods.
"How about Nandos?" (A/N: I know it's where they usually go in other fanfics, but I'm not British so I don't know any places there other than Nandos!) Jade suggests. We all nod.
We pile out of the car, one-by-one. Leigh grabs my hand and helps me out, her being the one before me. I smile up at her as we walk into Nandos, still hand-in-hand.
"And... Posted!" Perrie smiles as she shows us her phone. She had posted a picture of Leigh and I walking up to the doors. It was captioned '@perrieeele: We still aren't too happy with the Twitcam incident but this cutie is hanging with us tonight! Her laugh is adorable too :)' I smile at her and we continue to walk inside the building.
"What do you want?" Leigh asks me quietly. I shrug.
'You choose for me.' I show her. I have a few sentences saved in my notebook such as: 'My name is Danielle', 'You choose for me', 'Thank you', 'You too', 'I'm 13', 'I don't talk', 'I'm sorry', 'Yes', 'No', 'I know' and 'I don't know'. Okay, so maybe more than a few. If you were in the orphanage for as long as I was, wouldn't you get tired of writing the same things repeatedly? Thought so.
I snap back to reality as Leigh guides me to a booth, the others following.
"So, Dani, how about you tell us a bit about yourself?" Jesy asks. I nod.
'Well, I'm 13, I have one friend named Max'
"The one from my dream?" Perrie asks. I shrug. "He was your boyfriend or something." My widen.
'Yep then I think he's the one from your dream since that was how mine was too. Anyway, I play drums and write songs. They all always have at least one rapping part.' I grin. 'I have a pretty big secret.' They all look at me curiously.
"Do you mind telling us?" Perrie asks quietly.
'I don't think I'm ready yet. I'll be right back.' I get up quickly and hurry to the bathroom, secretly wiping my tears off my cheeks.
As soon as I get inside I go inside the nearest stall and lock it, not ready to take on any more questions about my secret. I shouldn't have even said that.
"Dani?" I hear a quiet whisper from outside the stall. I stay stilent. "It's Jade. Are you okay?"
I open the stall door and hug her tightly. Déjà vu much?
"Dani, why are you crying?" She asks quietly after she pulls back from the hug. I shrug.
It's silent a for a few seconds.
"Was it about the secret?" She asks slowly, kneeling in front of me. I nod, wiping away some more fresh tears. "Wanna talk about it?" I nod.
'I think I'm ready to tell you.'
"You don't have to!" She says quickly, her eyes widening.
'I want to.'
"Okay. I won't tell the others." She smiles slightly.
"I live in an orphanage."
There you go! The moment you've all been waiting for! Sorry for the cliffhanger #sorryimnotsorry Lol
I wrote this on my phone so the bold and italics aren't in this but oh well :/
Thanks to @Alyssa6524 for giving me the idea of her talking when they eat!
So Dani's big secret is out...
Should Jade tell the others or keep it a secret?
Should Danielle talk to the others too or just Jade?
Should Jade tell the others about Dani talking?
Until the next chapter, see ya mah *inster cute nick-name here* (I should really find one)

Little Adoption [Discontinued Until Further Notice!]
FanfictionDanielle, better known as Dani, hasn't spoken for 9 years. She gets bullied everyday, has trust issues and lives in an orphanage, where she is the oldest, only being 13. To the kids in the orphanage, she's their big sister, but when she gets adopted...