{Dani's POV}
They can't come over! They'l find out! I panic in the bathroom, pacing back and forth. Oh wait, I could just tell them I have school tomorrow! Sometimes I love how my brain works.
'I'm sorry Jade, but I have school tomorrow.'
'We can take you there :)' Dang.
'But I have no clothes :('
'How were you going to stay with the boys?'
'They live down the street from me.'
'But all that's there is an orphanage and some stores.' "Exactly" is what I wanted to send, but then she'd know. Uh... Ooh!
'I mean't around the corner.'
'Oh. We're on our way already, so you're not getting out of it.' I roll my eyes.
'Why don't you want to see us?' I struggle to find an answer for this. Of course she has to catch on.
'I do, it's just that I don't know the plans so I'm a bit nervous.' Really? That's the best you've got? Ugh... Shut up. Whatever.
'Well, you know the plan now! Don't worry about it.'
'Okay :)' I hesitantly send back.
"Dani, please come out!" Harry knocks on the door. I remain on the floor. "Please." He begs. Don't give in. I repeat over and over in my head.
Silence takes over for the next few minutes as I stare at the door. Finally, Harry's voice breaks through the silence. Silence will fall, right?
"Lads, she won't budge!" Harry whines, most likely standing in the living room.
"Danielle, please come back out here. Our fans are extremely sorry for what they did." I roll my eyes and stand up, unlocking the door. Zayn gently opens it before closing it behind him as I slide back down to the floor. I hear the lock click after he slides down beside me. "I'm sorry about what they said." My eyes start to water at the sight stuck in my head. "It's not true, you know?" He mumbles, snaking his arm around my shoulders. I slowly nod my head, knowing that if I said 'no', I'd get a full out rant.
"Zayn, the girls are here." Niall knocks on the door.
"Okay. We'll be out in a second." Zayn turns to me. "Remember what I said." I smile and nod, tears still streaming down my face. He stands up. "You coming?" I shake my head, ignoring the hand he held out for me to take. Sighing, he leaves without another word. I lock the door again, knowing that the others would try to get me out soon.
"Dani, please open the door. It's Jade." Jade says quietly from the other side of the door. I stay silent.
"Jade, we've tried so hard. I don't think she'll budge." Liam sighs.
"Danielle, please." Jade's voice cracks. I close my eyes, trying not to give in. "Please." She whispers. I stand up, unlocking the door and hugging her tightly. I feel my feet leave the ground as she picks me up, setting me on her hip. I bury my head in her neck and wrap my arms around her neck as hers support my weight.
"Oh my gosh, Dani, are you okay?" Jesy rubs my back comfortingly. I shrug and wipe my tears with one hand.
"Sometimes you should never give up." Jade smiles, looking at the boys.
"Okay. Now we are going to have a talk with you people." Jade makes a face and points at the camera (Word Up! video... Idk that's what I was imagining). We all sit in a semi-circle around the laptop, me in Jade's lap.
"I thought you guys were our fans, but the way you treat others, I'm not too sure anymore." Louis sighs, running his hand through his hair. I turn to Jade and bury my head in her neck again. She rubs my back and kisses my forehead.
"Yeah. I mean, you don't even know her, so why are you judging her? Do you even know her name?" Jesy asks. "Yeah, they said it earlier, but do you know how old she is?" We're silent for a few seconds. "Thought so. Not even all of us know how old she is. How old are you?"
"She's 13." Niall answers for me.
"Okay. None of you guys even know where she lives!" I look up at the boys, who's eyes were as big as the moon. I'm sure mine were too. "And we'll find that out later because she needs to get clothes." Leigh-Anne smiles.
"Or she can borrow ours." Perrie suggests. I nod and smile.
"Okay. Well, we should wrap this up and get Danielle back to our plce. She looks tired." Jade strokes my hair as I slowly start to fall asleep.
"Danielle, if you ever need anything, you know where our house is." Louis whispers in my ear. I nod and open my eyes again.
"Hopefully you won't get any more hate." Harry smiles weakly. I smile and hug him lightly, still in Jade's arms.
"Until next week, Dani." Liam smiles. My eyebrows furrow in confusion. "We have a buisy schedule all week." I nod.
"I'm gonna miss you. See ya, Dani." Niall smiles, waving. I wave back and look at Zayn.
"I'll see ya soon, friend." He laughs a little, making me smile. I close my eyes as the girls start walking to their car.
"I'll sit with Dani in the back. She can sit on my lap." Jade suggests. "Then there'll be enough seats."
"Sure whatever, but Dani gets to sit on my lap tomorrow." Jesy smirks.
"What about us?!" Leigh-Anne and Perrie protest at the same time.They all laugh.
"Maybe we'll hang out with her more often." I feel Jade shrug.
"Hope so." I smile against her neck. "She's not asleep." She laughs.
I look up and rub my eyes as they adjust to the lighting.
"Sleepy?" Perrie asks from beside us. I turn to her and nod.
"Well get some sleep. We still have a while to go. Fifteen minutes, to be exact." Jesy smiles. I bury my head into Jades shoulder and sigh.
"Sweet dreams, Dani."
Hahahahaha I just realized I forgot to put an A/N at the end of the last chapter, but who cares. It's not like my life is interesting =P but anyway, I don't think this book has much action in it =( but it'll get better, I promise. Sorry all my chapters are so short, but I try my hardest to keep it interesting to make up for my lack of long...ness in each chapter. Yeah I'm not funny anymore =/ oh well. 'Til next chapter, see ya guys! =)

Little Adoption [Discontinued Until Further Notice!]
FanfictionDanielle, better known as Dani, hasn't spoken for 9 years. She gets bullied everyday, has trust issues and lives in an orphanage, where she is the oldest, only being 13. To the kids in the orphanage, she's their big sister, but when she gets adopted...