1 The call

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Five years ago.

Lauren's POV

The phone rings and I quickly run to the phone to be the first one to hear moms voice. She is on a business trip and she should be in her hotel by now. She said she would call when she arrived at the hotel.

I pick up the phone and say ''Mom, how was your flight?''. It was silence on the other end of the phone. ''Mom?''. 

"Sorry but may I speak to an adult please?'' the male voice says very gently and slow. I hand the phone to my dad who looks with a questionable face behind me.

Dad walks out of the living room where the five of us went when we heard the phone ring. He walks to the kitchen and closses the door behind him. We all looked at him and he gave us a small smile that everything would be alright. But I had a feeling that it wasn't going to be. 

My brothers asked me who it was but I only know it was a man who wanted to speak to dad. 

Marcus POV

I saw in Lauren's eyes that she had a bad feeling. She get's them often when something is wrong with someone from the family. I went to sit next to her and wrapped her in my armes. Collin and Jeffrey looked at us and they knew this wasn't good. 

We heared dad throw something from glass to the floor. He screamed and threw some more stuff to the ground. Collin stood up and walked to the kitchen doors. He opens them slowly and asks what is going on. Dad walks back to the livingroom wicht Collin where we are waiting to find out what is going on.

Father POV

'' I am very sorry for your lost sir''. I throw the vase with flowers from the counter and after that I also throw the phone against the wall. I scream. I don't believe what I just heard. My sweet Marie. My wife. The mother of our four children. She died in a car crash. How? Why? I don't understand. 

I see Collins head and he ask what is going on. ''Let's go to the livingroom'' I say. He walks back to where he came from and sits down again next to Jeffrey. I see that Marcus has Lauren in his arms. He gives her a kiss on the head and all of them are know focussing on me.

They have a concerned looks on their faces. How am I going to tell them that their mother just died. 

''Oké guys, something happened.'' I can't hold back my tears. '' y-your M-mom, euhm she euhm, she isn't coming back.'' 

''Why not? Did we upset her?'' Lauren asks. '' No honey, she loves you, all of you.''Then why won't she be coming back?'' Her voice breaks a little. ''Honey your mom isn't coming back because she died in a car crash.'' The kids looked shocked. Of course they do I just told them their mother died.

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