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Lauren's POV

After dinner we sat on the couch and watched a movie with the four of us. My phone went. On the screen I see Marcus his name. I walk out of the room into the kitchen.

"Marcus I'm sorry." I say.

"Lauren where're you?" Marcus asks quickly.

"I'm at Calebs house." I answer.

"We're coming to pick you up." Marcus says harsly.

"Why? I don't want to go home." I say to him.

"You're not coming home. I'm taking you, Jeffrey and Collin away from there. I already packed your things. We'll be there in half an hour." He hangs up the phone.

I'm a little shooked because I know Marcus hasn't got the papers to take us. He doesn't need the papers for Collin because he already is 21. But for Jeffrey and Me he needs the papers or dad doesn't care.

I walk back to the livingroom and say that Marcus is coming to pick me up.

"You don't need to leave. If you want to stay the night that is okay." Heather says. Caleb gets of the couch and takes my hands in his. He walks to the kitchen.

"I know what happened." He says to me. "I just want you to know that if you want to talk about it I'm here for you. And we can go really slow." I smile at the last part. That means he doesn't find me disquesting. I kiss his cheek and he smiles.

"Thank you." I say to him.

We walk back to the livingroom and I see that Heather and Ethan are whispering to each other.

"Lauren, I know you probably don't want to talk about it but we know what happened. Do you know who did this to you and where did this happen?" I shake my head.

"I don't know who they're and it happened in the woods behind my house." I say soft. I know it's a lie but for some reason I don't want to tell them the truth. Ethan just nods.

"Can you describe the man?" Ethans asks.

"I don't know." I say lying.

"That's okay." Ethan says.

I hear a knock on the door. I get of the couch and walk to the door but Caleb is there before me. He gives me a kiss on my forehead and I give him a sidehug. Caleb opens the door and greets Marcus.

"Marcus do you want coffee?" Ethan yells from the livingroom.

"No Ethan I'm good. Just picking up my little sister." Marcus yells back.

"You ready?" Marcus asks me I nod and walk out of the door with him.

I hear Caleb clossing the door and then I hear Marcus cry a little. I look up at him and he opens the door for me. Collin is in the drivers seat and Jeffrey next to him.

Marcus slides in after me. I see the tears coming down his face. He looks back at me and gives me a little smile. I rest my head on hid shoulder.

"Guys seatbelts please." Collin says. Marcus and I put our seatbelts on. He gently puts his arm around my shoulder. He looks at me with the quiestion is eyes 'is it okay?'. I nod at him. There are still tears coming down his face.

"Marcus I'm okay." I say to him.

"But we heared. You-you." Marcus stutters. I don't know why but now there are tears coming down my face. Marcus whipes my tears away with his hand.

"We're we going?" I ask.

"New york." Collin says.

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