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Lauren's POV

I looked around and saw that I'm in a hospitalroom. Why am I in a hospital? What happend? Are my brothers okay? There're going thousends of quiestion through my head. This doesn't help my already hurting head. 

''Marcus?'' I softly slide my hand over his head. He flies up and looks at me.

''Lau how are you feeling? Are you in pain? Can I do something for you?'' He just keeps rembeling on with quiestions.

I don't know exactly why but I tears are beginning to drop over my face. I try to hide them from Marcus but he has already seen them.

''It will all be okay.'' He comes closer to give me a hug. But it hurts. I begin to cry loader. ''Oh no I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you.'' He says worried.

'' It's okay. Marcus?''


"Why are we here? What happend?''

He looks surprised by my quiestion.

''You don't remember what happened?''

''No, all I know is that my head and ribs hurts like crazy. I can't even think!'' More tears fall from my eyes.

'' I'll get a doctor.'' Before I can say anything he's gone. In 30 seconds he's back with a doctor. 

''Hai Lauren, how are you feeling?'' the doctor asks me.

''My head and ribs hurt and I can't remember why I'm here. So if anyone would like to tell me, that would be nice.''

''You fell from the stairs. You probably hit your head and you broke and bruised your ribs. We had to do a surgery because there was blood and fluid build up in your head because of the fall. This is also the reason you had a big nose blood. Your other two brothers brought you in about 12 hours ago.'' the doctor explains.

'' But why can't she remember what happened?'' Marcus asks the doctor.

''Because of the fluid there're some parts of the brain that have been damaged. Not for long term but for know you won't be able to remember short-term memory. Alright but for now young lady you need to rest and I think your brother should go home and do the same.''

''No I am not leaving her.'' Marcus reacts strong.

''Marcus the only thing I'll be doing is sleeping. So take the doctors advice and go home. I'll be fine.''

''No I'm not leaving.'' Marcus says stubbornly.

'' Well then come lay next to me.'' I slide over to the left side of the bed so Marcus can lay next to me. The doctor leaves and Marcus climbs in the bed. Marcus is still wearing his suit from work.

 Marcus is still wearing his suit from work

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''mmh?'' He looked up at me.

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