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Someone was shaking me rapidly. I looked up to see Niall hands on my shoulders.

" You know that is not the best way to wake a person up right?" I asked him.

" Yeah, next time I'll use cold water," he winked at me.

" We'll see about that," I said winking back.

"We are going out for lunch so hurry we are leaving at 12:30, and it's 11:15,"

"Ok?" about 20 Min's later I get out of the shower dry of my hair and comb it out then I put it in to a fishtail braid and do my makeup not a lot it's just lunch. I put on a yellow cami under a white and yellow shirt skinny jeans, and Yellow converse I walk out of the bathroom 

"Wow you look almost nicer than me," Louis joke.

"Thanks I think?" I raised an eyebrow. Niall walked in

"Lets go the car is here" He handed me his  hoodie  and  walked out of the hotel people are everywhere yelling and singing the songs to Up All Night. Niall grab my hand and Lead me to the car. People are taking Pics left and right. We got in the car it seemed like the longest walki in my whole life. Niall still holding my hand

" Niall you can let go of my hand now," I said.

"Oh sorry," He said and let go of my hand. He has a tight grip. I sat by Lani.

"Where are we going?," I asked Lani.

"Ask Niall he aways picks what we eat," she said as she laughed.

"Applebee's,"Niall said.

"Ok cool," I said. The car ride was filled with small talk. We got to Applebee's at 12:45.

" I have gotten 1,000 hits form this video of you two kissing," Harry said showing us the video.

"You understand that putting this video online will most like get people to hate her right," Niall said.

"No I did not think that people would hate her because it says that you to are going out on every blog that has to do with 1D," Harry said, as I spit out my water.

Harry that is because you posted that video," We all say in unison

"Oh sorry," Harry gave us a sorry look. We ate are lunch with demo talk and other stuff like that after lunch we got up and pay. Niall handed me his hoodie, and grab my hand we walk to the car but there was not a lot of people outside like I thought.

"Where are we going next," I asked as I jumped into the car.

"The mall Louis needs to get some new toms," Liam said.

"How do you want to group of for this Niall," Louis asked

"Numbers," Niall answer. We got paper and a hat from Harry

"Here's how the game works I have put 3 pairs of numbers in the hat 1-3 in one of the pairs there are 3 numbers pass the hat around," Niall said. I had gotten one. 

"Who has 2," Lani  said.

"I do," said Liam and Harry.

"One," I asked.

"Me," Niall said with a smile on his face

"So Zayn and I are a pair," Louis said. The driver drop us off at diffident spots. I still had Naill's hoodie on it was very warm inside.

"Why did we have to do pairs," I asked Niall.

"So no one gets left behind," He answer.

"Oh what are we looking for or are we just shopping," I asked

"We need to find the toms store, get you sunglasses, and hoodies for you ," Niall said. We made our way down to Aeropostale to get  some Hoodies lime green, pink, yellow, navy, white, and red the toald was 55.69. I tried to pay, but Niall had aready paid

"I can pay myself you know," I said.

"Well I wanted to pay so I paid," Niall said with a simle.

" Well I want to pay next time," I said.

"Maybe," He winked. We walk to the toms store and found everybody in there. I found sunglasses Niall paid for them. I just let him I didnt want to fight him after that we walk to the food court to get icecream just me and Niall I got to pay. I wink. He rolled his eyes.

"We need to talk," Niall said


Hey guys! I decided to be nice and let Cliss e this chapter. We will try to work together in the future when we don't want to kill each other. If you guys haven't noticed Cliss is my sister. :) Sorry this chapter is not that descriptive, but please work with us here. She is not that experienced.

Lots of Love!


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