Caring for Ella

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~Zayn's POV~

I know there is something going on between those two. Niall and Ella, I know they are going to get together soon. They will even if I have to do it myself, Niall needs to make his move. Speaking of those two, where are they?

I looked around the lobby and only found Liam, Harry, Louis, Lani and Clorissa. "Where's Niall and Ella?" I asked them. They all shrugged and resumed to going back to what they were doing. I went over to Paul, our security guard, he will know where they are.

"Niall took Ella to bed, she had a pretty bad fall out there," Paul said in his tough voice. I nodded and went back over to the group, I sat on a couch next to Clorissa and scrolled trough Twitter.

There were pictures of the boys, Lani, Clorissa and I standing around Ella in the hospital all over the place. My favorite one was Ella and I, she was sitting on my lap and was smiling that wide smile of hers. I posted it and put, just got out of the hospital. I'm really glad Ella is okay, she is going to be on bed rest for a month and is really sore. hope she gets well soon!

There were tons of comments flooding my posts, they were all nice ones like aww.. she is so cute, and hope she gets well soon!

Liam posted one of all of us surrounding Ella's hospital bed, we were all smiling at the camera and had our arms wrapped around each other. He said finally found her, poor girl had to be held down for shots and is going to be sore for a while.

Louis posted one of him and Ella hugging each other, he said my buddy is getting out of the hospital! we are going to have a Disney marathon! YAY!

Harry's was one of him and Ella, she was laying down in her bed smiling and Harry was sitting down beside her smiling, he said Miss Ella and I. she is on bed rest, hope she gets well soon!

Niall posted one of him and Ella sleeping. He was at the foot of her bed sleeping at her legs while Ella was sleeping in the middle, Niall said isn't she beautiful? we found her! finally! poor girl is sore and on bed rest, wish her the best of luck!

"Why are we all still down here?" I asked. Everyone looked up from their phones and shrugged. We got up and went into the elevators. We all went our separate ways into our own rooms to get some sleep. I kicked off my shoes and climbed underneath my bed covers. I fell asleep within minutes...

~Liam's POV~

"Shh... Don't wake them," Harry whispered.

"They are so adorable," Lani said.

"I'm going to take a picture and post it on Twitter," Zayn said.

"Aren't they just the cutest?" Clorissa cooed.

"OMG! They are like, so, the new it couple," Louis said in a girly voice.

"Niall needs to make his move, and soon," I said. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. Suddenly Niall woke up and stared at us. His eyes still partially closed, his voice groggy, and he was half asleep.

"What are you guys doing?" he asked, rubbing his eyes. He looked at each of us and pulled Ella closer to him.

"I came to check on Ella, and Liam said you wern't in your room. So we found you two in here," Lani said smiling. Niall rolled his eyes, and set his head back on Ella's shoulder.

"Leave us alone, I'm tired," Niall gryped at us.

"Meow," Louis said. When we were about to walk out we heard Ella crying. We all rushed back to where she was laying, and tried to figure out what's wrong. Her breath was quickening, and she was tossing and turning. Niall pulled her to his chest, and wrapped his arms around her trying to soothe her. He was rubbing her back, and rocking her back and forth gently. She wrapped her arms around him also, and went back to a peacful sleep.

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