The Concert

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I woke up with a huge smile on my face. Today I am going to meet One Direction! I screamed with excitment and ran over to Megan's bed and jumped up amd down.

"Get up, Time to get up! Time to get up! Move your butt and move! The Direction is waiting."

Megan groaned and slowly got up. She stretched her arms and yawned. " What day is it?" she asked groggily.

" One Direction Concert! Get up!" I shouted. " Move it!" I grabbed ahold of her leg and dragged her out of bed. " I have to meet One Direction!"

" Okay!" she snapped. " I'm getting ready, gosh..."

" I'm glad you are awake." I said with a huge smile still plastered on my face.

" Quit smiling. You're scaring me." she shuddered. I laughed and walked towards my bathroom. " I'll pick out your outfit Ell."

"Oh God! I am not wearing a skirt." Megan just laughed at me and continued to rummage through my closet.

I walked out of my bathroom with my towel around me to see the outfit Megan had out for me. It was a plaid button up shirt that was hot pink, blue, and lime green. The undershirt was a light pink with a blue bow on the top left side. She paired them with skinny jeans and my tan boots with a cuff on top.

" You look good with curly hair. So I am going to work my magic." Megan rubbed her hands together like she was going to make an important decision. She examined me and then looked at my outfit. She studied me like there was going to be a test. " Get your clothes on and put your hair in a towel."

Megan walked into my bathroom to take her shower while I got dressed. While I was getting dressed a thought caem to my mind.

Why was Megan acting so weird?

Pickiing out my outfit, curling my hair, and doing my makeup? She is acting weird like she has done something.

I shook the thought away and continued getting dressed. It is probably that she wants me to look good for my favorite band of all time. I am so excited.

So time would go by faster I put the stereo on high and plugged in my ipod. A One Direction song was playing and I couldn't help but sing along.

Give you this, give you that

blow a kiss take it back.

If I looked inside your brain

I would find lots of things

clothes, shoes, diamond rings

Stuff that is driving me insane.

You could be preoccupied

different day every night

you just gotta say the word,

but you're not into them at all you just want materials.

Don't you know that I can't stand when girls

I want, I want                                                                                                                                             

but that's crazy.

I want, I want

but that's not me.

I want, I want

to be loved by you.

I heard clapping and turned around to see Megan in the doorway. " Sing it baby!" She yelled.

I want, I want

but that's crazy.

I want, I want

but that's not me.

I want, I want

to be loved by you.

OH and all the girls say...

I want, I want

but that's crazy.

I want but that's not me.

I want, I want

to be loved by you.

We were singing and dancing to One Direction songs while we were getting ready.

When we were about to leave I noticed Megan's outfit. She was wearing nude colored tights, a light jean denim skirt, a brown shirt with ruffles around the cut line, and she was wearing brown boots with a small heel. Her carmel-colored hair was straightened and she had a brown headband in.

"Let's go! Bye Mom! Bye Dad!" I said practically running down the stairs. I hopped in the car and turned on the radio. Megan got in the car and buckled up.

" One Direction here we come!"

In the car we listened to the radio and sang along to the songs that they played.

We drove up to a huge stadium where we were going to see One Direction live in concert and see them in person. I am so happy!

Megan and I found a place to park and we walked up to the stadium together. We gave our tickets to the guy in the booth and made our way inside. There was a long line, but it was so worth it. I get to meet One Direction later.


" That was an awesome concert! I can't believe we get to meet them! Oh My God! I'm so happy!" I kept on rambling. There is no word that can explain how I feel right now.

" Yep, they can't wait to meet you either." Megan gave me a wink as we were guided to the room where One Direction was.

" What?" She didn't have time to answer, because we were in a room with One Direction.

Everyone in the room turned to face us. I gave a shy smile and waved at them. They gave me a big smile and started walking towards me.

" Hello, you must be Ella." said Niall holding out his hand for me to shake.

I stood there in shock. They know my name. How? I looked at Megan who had a huge grin on her face.

" We love the video of you singing. You have a beautiful voice." said Harry.

" I'm watching it right now." said a girl in the back on a couch. She had blondish hair with brown streaks. She looks similar to Liam.

"Yes, we are very glad you sent it to us." said Louis.

I turned my head to look at Megan she had a big smile on her face as she said " suprise!"

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