Candy, Interviews, and Dates

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  • Dedicated to ALL MY LOVELY FANS! I LUV U!!


Aloha Senoritas!


Anywho... This chapter is dedicated to all my fans! The silent readers, the medium ones who vote, and the REALLY noticeable ones.

Moving on! I really need help on which cover I should do! If I don't get any feedback I'm going to ask someone else, so as the readers of my story, I ask for this one favor! Plze...

Moving on to the story.... Team Nella! Can I get a woop woop! Team Nella sounds like Nutella.... Odd. For all those out there secretly hoping that Niall and Ella get together, I just have to say that he might make his move sooner or later. It's a secret... Shhhh.... I can't tell you! That is why it is called a secret! Meaning to remain unknown to a certain amount of people. I'm guessing...

Who thinks that Zayn and Clorissa should get together?!? Hmm? Anyone...? No... Okay.

Ella is finally healed in this chapter! She is all better! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dance party!! They are now in..... Flordia! After the awards show and Ella's meeting with Adele they are.... Dun Dun! Secret! Haha thought I would tell you didn't you? Okay. Before y'all hurt me, here is the new chapter!


~Louis' POV~

"Ella! I got good news for you!" I shouted. She immediately came running out of her room, and stood in front of me.

"Candy?" she said in more of a question.

"No, it's carrots!" I yelled.

"But I want candy!" she yelled at me.

"We don't have any," I said softly.

"Can we go to the store and get some?" she whispered.

"Meet me in the car," I whispered in my spy's voice.

"I'm on it." she said slowly backing away into her room.

I ran out of our apartment grabbing a room key, and hopped in our car. I put the key in the ignition, and turned it. Ella came running out in jean shorts and a pink jacket. She had her sunglasses on, and her hair was braided in two. She opened the car door and got in.

"You ready?" she asked.

"Yep, mission get candy is under way," I said. We nodded at each other like they do in the movies, and backed out of the parking garage. We made it to the nearest rest stop, and grabbed all the candy we wanted. I got chocolate, and Ella got skittles, and Carmelo's.

"Ella, that is a big bag of skittles." I said observing the red bag, it was family sized and had a reclosable zipper at the top.

"I haven't had candy in a whole month! Leave me be," she said.

"Are you going to share?" I asked her.

"Nope!" she said popping the 'p' and smiling at me.

"Dang it," I swore under my breathe.

"Your total is 3:17," the cashier said. I reached in my pocket and produced a five. "No way! You're Louis Tomlinson from One Direction!" the cashier said with her eyes wide, and a smile on her face.

"Why, yes I am," I said.

"Can-n-n I have a picture," she asked pulling out her phone.

"Of course," I said.

"Here I'll take the picture," Ella said holding her hand out for the phone. The cashier hopped over the counter and smiled at me, I put my arm over her shoulder, and we both smiled at the camera. Ella snapped the photo, and handed the phone back to her.

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