Boys and a Boat

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~Ella's POV~

"Wake up!" Louis shouted jumping up Niall and I's bed. Niall groaned and pulled me closer. He muttered something that I didn't understand, but he sounded pissed. "I want to get on the boat!" Louis pouted and crossed his arms.

"Go away Louis," Niall said sitting his head on my cheek "Ella and I are trying to sleep."

"You two ave slept enough! Now get your arses up!" Niall groaned in my ear, rolled over, and pulled me closer to him. Louis  got an evil glint in his eye, and an devilish smile on his face. I looked over my shoulder at Niall's sleeping face, then I felt a tug on my leg. Louis smirked from his place at the edge of Niall's and I's bed. We both snickered a bit, before Louis ripped me from Niall's tight grip. He instantly shot up from his sleep and looked around frantically. Louis and I bursted into fits of laughter, rocking back and forth and throwing our heads back. "Now that you are awake, lets go now, shall we?"

Niall ran his fingers through his hair until Louis stalked out of the room. Nialls arm found my waist and wrapped themselves around, slowly. "Now that Louis' gone, may I have a good morning kiss?" I laughed and turned around to face him.

"Oh, I guess." I smiled leaning closer. His lips slowly grazed mine, tingles leaving where they touched. I pushed myself forward, making our lips come fully in contact. Our lips moved together in sync, moving thier way around like they knew and memorized every inch. His lips parted and I instantly felt sad, and dissapointed.

"Let's go love," Niall smiled at me. Before we left, Niall grabbed his white snapback from the floor. We walked outside into the black van that we had waiting for us. As always Niall's hands were linked with mine. This was how we always walked together, hands locked, smiles on, and sometimes we were cuddled, but Niall always mde sure our hands were intwinded together. It was almost like he was afraid that I would let go, his grip was always firm and tight, but yet so gentle and soft.

Niall and I slid in the back seat of thier black van. This couldn't be the one they always use though, how many of these things do they make now a days? The car ride was full of different conversations. I wasn't even focused on any of them, I wasn't even a part of my own. We soon arrived at the boat dock, and as always Louis was the first out of the car. He always get so excited over things, it's so adorable. We all laughed at him and unloaded. I headed for the dock after Louis, but when I got don there there was no boat. Or Louis.

"Louis!" I shouted. There was no answer. "Louis!" Again, no answer. I heard a honking sound, then the sound of Louis' british accent shouting. I turned around a there, was a big boat. Louis had a cap on and he was honking the horn. A middle aged man came out, his brown hair was greying at the roots and he looked a little upset. He grabbed his hat off of Louis' head and pushed him aside from the big wheel. We all stared in awe at the big boat. The platic rims shined off of the sun. A white cover laed the whole outside rim of the boat, causing it to have perfect shine. The whole thig was glorious, the water made it look like a boat that could go forever and ever. Plus, it was huge!

"Don't just stand there! Get on!" Louis ushered us. We all pushed an shoved our way onto the big boat. I stood on the wooden deck, in my are feet. The captain took us out farther away from shore, so we could swim and fish. Paul sat over off to the side, reading his magizine with his sunglasses on and keeping a close eye on us.

"We are here, you may swim fish whatever." The captain sai before going into the HQ.

"Awesome!" Louis and Liam shouted. They stripped of their shirts and cannonballed into the water. "Ella! Are you coming in?" Liam shouted to me.

"Yes, I am." I sighed. I pulled my floral tank over my head and then slipped out of my short until I was left in my bathing suit. Zayn, Harry, Liam, and Louis whistled while Niall glared at them. All the boys coced their heads over to the side, looking at something. I turned around to look, but when I didn't see anything I was about to be turned around, only to be pushed in the water.

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