Christmas Holiday

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~Ella's POV~

It's finished. My demo is done. Now, I'm heading home for the holidays.

"Ella, your demo is done." Dereck smiled. "Now, all we have to do is send it to the record company." I nodded and squealed in excitement. I'm so happy! My demo is complete!

I'm also kind of sad though. I have gotten close to everyone here, we also had alot of fun in the studio too. "Don't be sad Ella! When you write new songs and record them, you'll be back!" Dereck said. This made me feel better, I'm glad I will see everyone again. "Better make your way to the airport, you are going to be late." I smiled and gave everyone a hug, except Dereck. He has claimed that men don't give hugs.

"Well, bye guys!" I said as Megan and I got in the cab. They all waved at us as the cab pulled out of the studio lot. "Home here we come."

"I can't wait to see the look on your face when you open your present from the boys and Niall." Megan said flipping through a magizine.

"What?" I asked. She immediatly covered her mouth with her hand. Niall got me a present? The boys too?

"I wasn't supposed to tell you! They wanted it to be a suprise!" Megan bursted. I sighed and looked at Megan. I didn't feel guilty at all, I left them all presents also. They must've found them when they were packing, I hid each of their gifts underneath their beds. I got one for El, Dani and Clorissa too.

Zayn's present was a handheld mirror that lights up and plays all of his solos when you pick it up. I knew he would like it and it would give everyone a laugh. 

Liam's was a PDA that had all sorts of communication systems and a twitcam app. Since we don;t always have inernet everywhere we go, I though it would be an easier way to communicate with his fans.

 Niall had recieved a necklace that said 'Kiss Me I'm Irish', it had a golden chain and a green shamrock at the end. I loved it the second I had saw it.

 I had to give Louis' two presents, because of his upcoming birthday. I got him a blue friendship bracelet, engraved on the side was 'Louis "The Tommo" Tomlinson'. For Christmas, he was given a new pair of blue striped suspenders. He was in need of a new pair, because his others had broke.

Harry was probably the hardest to buy for, he had asked for nothing and really didn't help with his likings. So I had to improvise and just guess. He likes to juggle, so I got him a pair of jugglers. They were like bowling pins, but lighter and plastic.

Lani and the girls weren't that hard to shop for, they gave me a whole list of what they wanted. Clothes. I gave the girls identical dresses, each a different color. The sleeves went to the midst of their upper arms, the skirt was all ruffles and frills. I had gotten Lani pink, Eleanor blue, Clorissa purple and Dani green.

"Okay, ladies. We are here at the airport." The driver said from the front seat. Megan quickly got out of the cab and grabbed her bags from the trunk. I went up to the driver and tried to pay him, but he refused. I ensisted that I pay him. "Don't worry about it, have a merry Christmas."

"Well, then you have a merry Christmas also, consider this as a gift." I said handing him the money. He knew I wasn't leaving until I paid him, so he gladly took the money. He gave me a warm smile before waving and driving off.

"Don't worry, I'll just carry four bags." Megan said, out of breath. I laughed at her and took my bags out of her grasp. We walked into the airport, going through all the metal detectors and weapon search.

"Flight 56 to Cleveland, Ohio is now boarding at Gate 3. Flight 56 to Cleveland, Ohio is now boarding at Gate 3." A loud voice boomed over the intercom. Megan looked over at me and smiled. We walked up to Gate 3, handing the air hostess our passports and tickets we boarded the plane. Heading to first class, they were a few whispers amongst the other passengers. I gave them all a smile and wave before being pulled off into first class.

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