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I have decided to be nice and give you guys an early update!

I know what you are thinking, Oh Madi you're so nice, and pretty etc.

I just wanna say that I am not always nice! You can ask the people I hate, Jk. I have decided that I want 20 votes for the next upload.

Until I get the 20 votes, I am not going to upload. I already have the next few chapters written, and I hope you will spread the word! ;)

Remember 20 votes!

Madi Payne


I glared at Megan shooting her daggers with my eyes. She smiled at me guiltily and tried to hug me. I stood still like a rock trying to process what had happened.

1.Megan sent One Direction a video of me singing.

2.One Direction thinks I am a wonderful singer.

3. I am in a room with One Direction.

Megan finally let me go of me, because me not moving. I stood there in shock. I turned my head and looked at Megan she had a smile on her face. I could tell she was about to do something she knew she was not going to regret.

" Ell said that she was just an average singer. What do yo-" I clamped my hand over her mouth.

" Shhh!" I whispered-screamed at her.  I could feel her smile underneath my hand, she was about to do something. I felt something warm and wet on my hand. " You licked me."

I heard snickers in the room, I turned around and looked at the people before me. They were obviously amused by what was going on.

" Well we have to say, you are not an average singer. Is she boys?" Everyone agreed with what Harry Styles had said. Mr. Harry Styles!

I realized what had happened and then I turned to the present time. " Your One Direction!" I said jumping up and down. They again laughed at me, this time at my childishness.

" She has been waiting for this moment forever. I'm really glad your happy, and this was a wonderful birthday present, huh?" I knew what she was trying to do and it is not going to work.

" I'm still mad at you." This earned me another laugh from the band. " See they're laughing, told you they would like me." I said sticking my tongue out at her.

" Says the child." she said back playfully.

" I am not a child. I am mature by choice, and I am more fun than you. Ha Ha Ha-Ha Ha." We were now in a room filled with laughter as the band watched our little show. 

" I still remember your reaction when you found out you were coming to their concert. You were smiling for days and you were bouncing of the walls. You were always singing their songs and listening to their musi-. Owww!"

" Thanks, now they know I'm a weirdo!"

" Hello! You stepped on my foot!"

" So," Megan and I turned our heads to Louis who decided to join our conversation " Miss Ella loves One Direction? It seems like your a big fan."

" Whos Ella? I'm...... Megan. She is Ella!" I said pointing to Megan standing beside me.

Niall was clutching his stomach from laughing so hard. Liam was sitting with the girl on the couch in the corner. Zayn and Harry were enjoying us watching with amused exspressions while Louis was waiting for an answer.

" Normally she would have ran away but..."  Megan trailed off.

" Your One Direction!" I finished for her.

" Ella, we have showed your video to our manager. We all would like for you to come on tour with us and see what it would be like to be famous, and if you would happen to like the famous feeling you could get a record deal." said Louis stepping forward with Harry and Zayn.

I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. " Am I dreaming. Megan pinch me."

" You're not dreaming. You are a wonderful singer. We would love to have you with us on tour." said Niall.

" Tell you what. I will give you my number and you call me by Friday. That's when we leave." said Liam handing me a piece of paper.

" Okay, just one question." I said.

" What is it?" said the boys in usion.

" Can we have a hug?" Megan and I said together.

The boys moved closer one by one so Iwe could get a hug.

" Thank you!" I said jumping up and down " Bye!" With that I walked out of the door.

Before Megan left I heard her say " You just made her life complete. I will make her call you. Bye guys." I was skipping down the hallway with a smile on my face. I put Liam's number in my phone and walked out into the parking lot with Megan by my side.

" You gonna call them?" she asked me.

" I don't know. I'm going to have to ask mom and dad." she nodded her head as we continued walking to the car.


After dropping off Megan at her house I talked to mom and dad about what the boys had talked to me about.

" The boys told you this personally?" asked my dad for the hundreth time.

" Yes, I walked in and they all turned there heads to look at us. Then they said they saw the video of me singing that I sent them-"

" You sent them a video of you singing?" My mom cut me off.

" No Megan did. She said that I am famous worthy and that this was a good oppurtunity." My parents were nodding their heads deeply thinking.

They had a big decision to make. I was their only child left since Adam was at colledge and Evie passed away. They would probably want to know where I was at all times. They are really protective parents. " Give us some time to think about it and we will tell you tomorrow."

" K, night. Guys love you."

" Love you too." said my parents together.

As I walked up the stairs to my bedroom. I realized I forgot something. I got my fleece pj pants on with a extra shirt I had laying around. I walked outside to my car and pulled out the remainder of our tickets and backstage passes. I held them tightly in my hand until I was back inside. I went over to my desk and layed them in an empty drawer. I met One Direction!

I crawled into bed and wondered off to sleep. Dreaming dreams about being famous.

What do I have to say? Dreams can come true......

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