Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

The days were heading in closer, nervousness and fear clogging up the veins. Qamar's transplant was bound to be in a day or two's time. Hamza was now being taken to the operation theatre for his part of the transplant. They were afraid, each one had a fear of their own. But they didn't let the fear win, they fought it with hope. And what would keep the sinking ship afloat except for Hope and trust in Him. Besides who isn't afraid of the unknown; we all are in one or the other.

Times like these are when Allah tests His slaves. Sure this time was hard on all of them, especially him, Qamar and Hamza. But during these times of hardship was when they pondered and realized  how big of a blessing health is, which more often than not is taken for granted. There is nothing without good health. All the money, the fame, the big house, the wealthiest lineage, the family, the comfort is of waste if a person lacks good health. And to think how negligent we are when it comes to health.

It seemed to Ameer like good health was the wealthiest treasure any human could have. No wonder we will be questioned about our health on the Day of Judgment.

He sighed, if only we were thankful instead of groaning and moaning for things that we would never have or never need.

"All praise and Thanks be to Allah who has created me and granted me with blessings after blessings, even when I didn't ask for it. And I seek forgiveness for all those times when I was ungrateful to you."

He smiled as he finished his prayers, the things Allah teaches His slave during hardships. But only those learn who ponder upon it.

During these few days he bonded more with Qamar. He saw her in a new light. Though she was sick she never uttered a word of complain. She always remained grateful of whatever she had. Which made him conscious of the fact that how redundant was he when it came to being grateful and thankful to Allah. Even when he had everything.

That woman sure was something. He thought. She was the strongest person he had ever seen. He also realized that Qamar was in fact a blessing for him from Allah. For even through her actions she brought him closer to Allah. Maybe that was what Love for the sake of Allah meant.

He just prayed that the outcome of this transplant is a successful one, so that his Qamar can live a healthy life.

'Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar' rang the voice of the muaddhin. Ameer kept his book aside and replied to the call of prayer. His eyes resting on Qamar's sleepy form. A smile broke out on his face when he saw the way she was snuggled up in her blanket. When she first started sleeping a lot, Ameer was scared. But then the doctor recommended that the more she rests the better it would be, he relaxed. At least she won't be in any sort of pain.

As the adhan was over he recited the dua's and got up to head towards the masjid. He wrote a little note for Qamar and kept it beside her head side table. He then headed towards the masjid, feeling lighter then he felt a year ago.


"If you ask me to rest one more time I'll break your face." Hamza said as Ameer tried to hold in his laughter at his threat and his face. He had peeped in Hamza's room to look at how he was doing after his Prayer only to find him getting ready to get down the bed.

"Look the doctor told you to rest. It's better if you do that Hamza." He said trying to sound serious.

"Rest my foot. I don't care what the doctor said Ameer. I want to meet my baby sister. Now move before I push you." he said.

"I thought you were going to punch me if I didn't move? Decide first if you are going to punch or push." He said it just for the heck of it knowing well that he was just pushing his buttons.

"Ameer you are testing my patience. I'm already walking on thin ice. What you are doing is just pushing me to punch you right on your face. I wonder how Qamar would react on that one, hmm." He said with a smirk on his face.

"Regardless of what her reaction would be I know for one that if Qamar sees you she is going to say the same thing I said. Even you know that but you are just being stubborn, God knows why. "Ameer said in exasperation.

"Yeah whatever. I'll rest for just an hour and then I'm going to see her. If you stop me then nothing is going to stop me from losing my fist on your face." He said resting his head on the pillow.

"Yeah fine Dad." Ameer said rolling his eyes when he saw he was out the instant his head hit the pillow. He was one heck of a child, Ameer pitied his wife. He really did.

"Is he asleep?" Maryam asked, when she came he didn't know.

"Yeah just now. He kept groaning about going to meet Qamar." He said smiling lightly as he remembered their conversation.

"Expected." She said lightly. "I hope they both will be fine after this." She said after a moment's silence.

"In sha Allah they will be." He said. "I need to go, Qamar must be waiting." He said realizing that he was alone with her and that Qamar must really be waiting for him.

"Yeah. Assalamualaikum." She said moving aside.

"Walaikumasalam." he said.Life wasn't easy, sometimes he wanted to drop down, but then this life was all about the test of faith. And the reward that awaited for those who remained patient was what kept him going at that point. For he had faith in Allah that He would make it easy one day.


Assalamualaikum Peeps,

Ok I am very very sorry for basically putting this story on hold for more than 6 months. I was very busy, since I got married. I know how annoying it is when authors don't update, trust me I have been there for a very long time. But I really couldn't find the time to update. But here we go, another chapter. I will try my very best to upload as fast as I can so bear with me, please.

So there's two things that I would like to say: One is that, this book is coming to an end. Like there's only two chapters left for this book to end. I know very sad. The second thing is,,,,,,,,, well its a surprise, which will be revealed when I publish the last chapter. Sorry guys, I know some of you might want to kill me especially after you read the ending. But have faith on me.

Jazakallahu Khairan

Yours truly,


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