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I would gladly throw myself off a cliff if it meant that I would get to see the love and care in your eyes. If it meant that seeing me hurt would remind you what I was for you, once long ago. I just love the way you fussed over me. How a single scratch on me would make you ballistic. I longed for your love, affection and care. The way you looked at me like I was the only one in your life. I just loved everything about you, oh Ameer. I loved you a lot more than I actually loved myself. You were the Amir of my life!


She was the Light of my life.

Her smile would light up everything that was around her.

Her beauty made the moon feel shy.

Her simplicity was her most cherished jewel.

Her company was what I desired the most.

Her love was ever encompassing.

My world revolved around her.

In short she was the gift of my life, a blessing!

A blessing I had forgotten to be thankful for.

And as they say, "you never know the worth of something till it is gone, forever and it's too late to bring it back!"


Assalamualaikum people,

This is my first hand at a spiritual story. It would be nice if you people leave a feedback so I would know if how the story is going. For some reason I am nervous about this and your feedbacks would make me a bit confident about it, In Shaa Allah! :)

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