Beautiful Liar

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"I love you", I said as I cupped her face. "I love you too." I pressed my lips on hers and brushed my fingers through her hair. "I'll see you in a bit", I said. She nodded. "Have fun!" I smiled and pecked her lips. She watched me walk out the door.

Maria was waiting for me, we were having a girls night out, just the two of us.

"Hey!", I said as I got in her car. "Hey girl!" "How have you been? I haven't seen you in like, three weeks", I said. "I know right! I'm great, how about you?", she asked as she pulled out the driveway. "I'm great too", I said. She smiled, which turned into a smirk pretty quickly. "And you and Denise?", she asked. I chuckled. "We're doing great actually. It's been rough at first, but I think we're finally at that point where everything just couldn't get better."

"Do you think you love her?", she said. I nodded. "I have never felt this way about anybody before. I can really see myself getting married to her, and start a family with her. I do love her, so much. She's like a dream that came true." "Awh! You should've seen your face when you said that", she said. "You look so in love", she continued. I smiled and nodded. "I am." "Cute! You will help me score a guy tonight, right?", she asked. I chuckled. "Of course. I'd never leave you behind!"

We got to the bar and headed inside.

"Two Margaritas, please!", Maria said. "Fancy way to start the night", I said. "Oh my dear friend, you have so much to learn." I laughed.

"Cute guy at 3 o'clock", she said after taking a sip of my drink. "Oh my god, he looks delicious", she said. I laughed. "Delicious?" She nodded. "Guys can be delicious, Scarlet." She took a sip of her drink and then handed it to me. "I'm going in."

She approached the guy and pretended to fall. I choked on my drink when I saw what she was doing.

As she was working on the guy, I took out my phone and texted Ellie. "Hey :) having a nice night? xx", I sent. I got one back after 2 minutes. "Yeah, it's fine", it said. "You okay?", I replied. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

Maria walked back to me, holding a small paper.

"Number 1, check!" I chuckled. "Something tells me he's not going to be the only one you'll be hitting on tonight." "Correct! You win another drink", she said. She turned to the bar and ordered two more margaritas.

"Let me know when you spot someone hot", she said. "Any gender preferences?" She shook her head. "I'm going all in tonight." I chuckled as she handed me my drink.

"Cute girl right in front of you", I said. "Where?" I pointed at myself. "Oh you want me to hit on you?" I shook my head. "I was just kidding. Cute guy at 1 o'clock tho." She immediately turned her head. "He's not that cute. You disappoint me", she said. "Hey, I'm gay. I usually don't look at guys. Let me look out for cute girls. I'll be much better at that."

At the end of the night, she scored 7 phone numbers.

"You're such a hoe", I said as we got in the car. "Oh well. Once a hoe, always a hoe." I laughed. "Wait, you're not allowed to drive?", I said. "Relax. I had two drinks and went on with non alcoholic drinks. I'm good to go." I nodded.

"I don't feel so good", I said as we pulled up the highway. "Oh no girl, you're not gonna vomit in my car!" She pulled over at the next stop and opened my door. "Get out", she said. I got out and said on a rock, breathing in some fresh air.

Maria walked over to me with a bottle of water. "Thanks", I said before taking a big gulp.

"Good to go?", she asked after a little while. I nodded. "I think so." "Good. Get in, I'm freezing." We got in the car and drove off.


"Go straight to bed", she said as I got out of the car. I shook my head. "I might do my girlfriend first", I said. She laughed. "Have fun with that", she said. "See you later." "Bye!", I said before I stepped inside. The lights were off, so Ellie must've went to bed. I put my stuff on the coffee table and headed upstairs.

I heard Ellie talking, so I stopped.

"I can't wait to get out of here", she said with an annoying tone. I frowned. "Yeah, she's getting on my nerves." Suddenly I felt sober. "Yeah, exactly. Before she left, she said 'i love you' and I fucking panicked on the inside but I managed to stay calm. I feel bad for lying about that tho", she said. I quietly opened the door and just stood there.

"You lied?", I asked. She jumped up and turned around. "Scarlet.. I.." I shook my head. "Get out", I said. "Baby.. wait", she said. "I said get out!" She sighed. "You don't understand." "Oh I understand. You're only here for the money, I get it. But you're not getting anything. You never were getting anything. Now grab your things, and go", I said. She nodded.

She quickly collected her things and packed them in a suitcase.

"I'm sorry", she said.

"Me too."

And with that, she left.

She was like a dream that came true. But most dreams are too good to be true. And I should've known.

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