Want You Back

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"Mom, look!", I said as I noticed a big painting. She loved paintings, and she loved to paint. It was a painting of her favorite city in the world: Barcelona. She instantly fell in love with it. "I'll be right back", she said. Minutes later, she came back with the painting. "I know exactly where I'm gonna put this up", she said smiling. I chuckled. "We have too many painting already." She looked at me. "You can never have too many paintings, dear." I laughed.

"I'm gonna check out that little store, I'll be right back!", I said. Suddenly I bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm so sorry!", I said before I looked up. I frowned. "On the other hand.." I continued walking. After a minute, I heard her yell my name. "Amy!" She stopped in front of me. "I was calling for you", she said.
I nodded. "I know, but I thought I said I didn't want to have anything to do with you anymore", I said. I walked past her and she ran in front of me again. "Amy, please", she said. I sighed. "What do you want?", I asked. "I miss you", she said. "Bri, it's over, remember? You ended it. You have no right to do this right now." She sighed. "Everytime I see a car that looks like yours, I think about you. Everytime I smell something similar to your favorite perfume, I think about you." I chuckled. "I don't have that car anymore", I said. "Too bad. We had some good memories with that car." I nodded.

"I gotta go", I said. "Wait", she said pulling me back. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the way I ended it, I'm sorry I even ended it."

I looked around and saw my parents and sister walking towards the museum, looking around to see if I was near.

"Can we talk later?", I asked. She nodded.
"15 minutes", Brianna said. Before I could say anything, she walked away.

I walked over to my parents.

"There you are. Find anything nice?", my dad asked. "What?" "The store", he said. "Oh yeah, no not really", I said. "Are we ready for the museum?", my mom asked. My sister sighed. "Do we really have to do this?", she asked. "Come on, Mandy", my mom said. "Why are you never excited about anything we want to do?" She rolled her eyes. "Because it's boring. I wanna go to amusement parks, see a cool movie, go to an arcade hall, or whatever. Not a museum", she said. I chuckled and pushed her inside. "Just go. We'll get food after." She looked at me. "Promise?" I nodded. She walked inside, holding the door for us.

I checked the time on my phone. I was supposed to meet Brianna in 10 minutes, but the way it's going now, I'm not gonna make it.

We stood in front of an elevator. There was a sign next to it.

"Enter at your own risk."

"I'm not going in there", I said pointing at the sign. "Come on. We'll get food after", my sister said. "Ha ha", I said. "I'm not doing that. I have a bad feeling about this, so I'll wait outside."

"If you're sure, honey", my mom said. I nodded. "Why doesn't she have to come?", Mandy said. "Because Amy is 22 and you're only 15. You're stuck with us", my dad said. "We'll be back in about an hour", they said. I nodded. They stepped into the elevator, and the doors closed. It started making loud noises and the lights were flickering. "See. I know this was a haunted house", I said to myself. I heard screaming coming from inside. I laughed to myself as I walked out.

Brianna was already sitting on the steps.

"Hey", I said. She turned around and immediately got up. "Hi", she said smiling. "I wasn't expecting for you to come." I nodded. "Have I ever let you down?" She shook her head. "No, never." She suddenly swung her arms around my neck and hugged me. "I uh.." "I'm sorry", she said letting go of me. "It's uh.. it's okay. Do you wanna get a coffee?", I asked. She nodded.

We walked to the nearest coffee shop and sat down with ours cups of coffee.

"So, what did you want to talk about?", I asked. "Us." "Bri, there's no us. You have to stop this", I said. "I'm sorry, but I can't. I love you", she said. I just looked at her. "You've never said that to me." "I have now. I want you to know I'm serious about this. About us."

"Then why did you dump me in the first place?" She shrugged her shoulders. I nodded. "Amy, you have to understand that I was in a weird place. I was busy. Working all day everyday, coaching the soccer team, spending time with my family and friends", she said. I nodded. "I know that, but wasn't I worth making time for?" "You were, I just never paid attention to it", she said. "I asked you multiple time to let me know if something would come up. Something that would keep you for the day and keeps you from texting me or calling me. That's all I wanted. And just see you every now and then." She nodded. "You were toxic, Bri. I felt bad because of you. I felt concerned because of you. I was obsessed with finding a reason why you weren't talking to me. I wasn't myself when I was with you."

"I know. I reread our conversations and I realized I was being a jerk. You didn't deserve any of it", she said. "I know." She chuckled. "I just want you to be able to look me in the eye again. Maybe we could hang out once in a while."

I shook my head.

"I love you, but I don't think we could ever go back to normal." "You love me?" I nodded. "I've loved you for a while now, and I can't seem to shake it off. I'm over it, I'm over you, but I'm not over the fact that I love you."

She smiled. "That's enough for me." She turned to door and waved at a girl, standing at the door. "That's my girlfriend."

"So you're not here to get me back?", I asked. She shook her head. "Not today. I'll give you time, and maybe you'll change your mind. I've changed, and I've grown personally. I became more mature and I know what I want now. And I'm not stopping until I got it."

She got up and put money on the table.

"Thanks for wanting to talk to me. I've missed you."

She smiled and walked to the girl that was waiting for her. They kissed before Brianna waved at me.

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