Chapter 19- Wynnie

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Paige's hand was the only reassurance when we walked down Black Hand HQ. My body was still weak and shaky. Before we walked through the deceivingly fun revolving glass doors, she told me to not show fear.

"If you feel like you need to stop, bump into me," she'd said on the way here. "Don't make eye contact with anyone. All those soldiers are like dogs, they think anything is a challenge. Tori and Kyan will be a few steps behind us and I won't leave your side, but we have to be careful. Kyan and I aren't sure how much more your body could take. The medicine's really taken a toll on you and you need a break from it as long as possible."

Paige's levelheadedness kept me calm. I took deep breaths and let her guide me down the maze of halls with gentle nudges.

Black Hands stopped whenever they saw me, sizing up me, and then Paige.

When we finally stopped, Paige open a tall wooden door to let me in. Tori and Kyan went first, I went next, and Paige followed closely behind.

"It's so strange to see you with an entourage," a familiar voice said.

When I dared a look up, the man who'd saved me was smiling at Paige.

"Samuel Jose," he said, stepping closer, looking directly at me, "nice to actually meet you."

I nodded, but stayed quiet.

Paige's hand was back.

"You've got him trained well," he commented.

I felt her hand tense on my back, but she kept her composure. "He used to speak more. I suppose the beating has served to be useful in some ways."

They were quiet for a moment, shuffling through their options, eyes kept on one another.

'Like dogs,' she'd said.

And she had to pretend to be one of them. Maybe she was one of them. But also knew she wouldn't bite.

"Well," he continued, "follow me. There are two other high commanders waiting to judge your new pet." He looked over to Kyan and Tori who were waiting quietly behind us. "You two. Guard the door. This shouldn't take two long."

He said it like a threat, but Paige had said he was trying to get her on his side. It was likely his vote would be in our, because she'd said our, favor.

Samuel started to walk, and I thought it was in my best interest to follow.

A door at the back of the room. I hadn't noticed it. Shows and books always talk about how good spies and stuff could count all the doors in the room. Me... not so much.

Past the main room, which was empty, was a smaller room, an interrogation room like the ones you see on T.V. There was a clear window that probably wasn't so clear through from the other side.

Two High Commanders looked at the two of us and scowled. They were older, faces stricken with creases, one a woman and one a man. Both of them held clip boards on their laps.

"Paige Lilia Carroll," Paige said, stepping in front of me. Her head dipped a bit in acknowledgement. When I caught sight of the littler smile on her lips, I was the only one who could tell how fake it was. "I'm glad so many High Commanders are willing to waste their time on my newest project. It's an honor, really."

A lie.

But their faces softened just a bit.

"Well, you're famous," the woman croaked. "We were a bit curious as to your next... project."

Their eyes slid over to me. I slid closer to Paige's back, letting her massive size cover me.

"You'll have to forgive him," she said, stepping to the side to place her hand on my back and move me towards the center of attention. "He's been a little spooked since last week's incident. Although, the silence is appreciated."

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