Chapter 21- And They Never Let Go

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She apologized with such a sorry smile that I would never be able to seriously call her Ice Queen again - I probably would anyways. I could see everything that she felt and everything she wanted to say. 

And then she did the impossible.

The room vibrated with electricity. Sparks flew from her hands for mere seconds before the man holding the gun dropped, smoke flaying his shivering skin. I didn't have to check to know he'd probably never get up again.

"Paige..." Tori whispered, her eyes wide as she looked at her phony hero. "What..."

When Paige looked back up, her eyes were cold again, no apologies or regret. 

"We have to go," she mumbled, lifting my arm and pulling it around her shoulder. "Hold on to me. You two okay?"

"Wait, Paige," I tried.

"Not now. Talk later, run now."

I nodded, holding down everything I desperately wanted to say - to yell. 

Tori and Kyan seemed to have the same idea, thankfully. Kyan made his way under my other arm, supporting me, while Tori moved to the door to check the hallway.

"I can walk," I complained. 

"Not taking any chances," Paige replied, moving out from under me for a second to get her guns. She didn't need them without magic, and she sure didn't need them now. "Tori, grab two more guns for me, just in case."

"What's the plan?" Kyan asked. 

The magician was quiet for a moment. "Get out. Find somewhere quiet to hold up until we come up with a better plan."

"You already have another plan," I told her. Because I knew her. 

She scowled. "I haven't thought up all the details, but I have something. For now, we run."

"Can't you make us invisible or something?" Tori whined, handing a gun to Kyan.

Her scowl deepened. "It's not important now. We'll talk about it later."

"I disagree," I growled while the other two helped me out of the apartment . "I think you having magic is definitely something we need to talk about."

Remember what I said about being to be able to hold it in? I was wrong.

"Not. Now." She bit back. 

I wanted to yell, but I knew it was pointless.

She was right. I knew she was right, but that didn't make it any less irritating. 

"Paige," Kyan called. "Where to?"

"Back alley for now. Try not to draw more attention that we're already going to."

The other two nodded. 

They were keeping  calm demenour, but I knew them. They were trying just as hard not to yell at her as I was because WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK.

Sorry. I'm sorry. Gotta stay calm.



"I can walk, you know," I gumbled as we made our way out of the flat and into the elevator. 

"Not taking any chances," she replied. "Shut up and hold onto us."

The doors closed behind us. 

"So how long have you known?" I asked as the level clicked lower and lower.

"Leo, now is not-"

"How long. Have. You. Known."

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