Chapter 23 - Get Out of Jail Free

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My body hurt. As I assumed, they were not nice to a traitor to the Black Hands. They hadn't bothered treating my thigh more than sowing it up. They hadn't bothered to take me to a cell or an interrogation room. They through me in a dark room with a single light where they immediately began torturing me. No questions, just pain. Unfortunately for them, I was rather used to pain at this point.

When the door opened the next time, a familiar face stood in front of me.

"Samuel Jose," I said, giving him that icy smile that tall the Black Hands knew so well. He didn't even flinch. Not with the Silencers that I had allowed them to keep on my hands. "What a please seeing you again. A true honor for a high commander such as yourself to come see a lowly magician such as me."

His foot landed in my stomach, sending me a few feet back although my hands were chained to the floor with only so little leeway.

I coughed. Good. I wanted them angry. 

"Where are my men?" He asked, voice low. 

When I didn't immediately reply, he grabbed a fistful of my hair to force me to look at him. "Where are you keeping Tori and the doctor? What have you done with them?"

Right. Because he simply could not imagine it. He could not imagine tow people without a trace of useable magic choosing to side with a witch. Especially not me. 

I grinned, barring my teeth in a threat and in cruel enjoyment. "She screamed when I tortured her," I said, low and dangerous. "She screamed and begged for help. I finally gave her mercy when I slit her throat."

He threw me again, genuine disgust in his eyes. "I always knew you were psychotic, but I guess it only makes sense that you were also a magician." He was quiet for a moment, a merciful moment that I took to regain myself. "Can I even call you that? What did you think you were doing, when you ran? What was going through your head? You had no where to go. The magicians hate you and no real human would even look at you. Such a brilliant mind gone to waste."

He looked at me, and I did not let that smile falter. "So, what are you doing to do with me, oh mighty high commander? Leave me here to bleed out? Torture me until I can't think anymore?" Time to lay my cards. "Or just throw me to the wolves?"

He stopped for a moment. "Throw you to the wolves," he repeated. "I hadn't through of that. The magicians will rip you apart."

I let my smile falter. Good. Good. I had thrown my bait and he had bit like a fish caught in a trap. And he saw. He saw that slight sign of weakness, so small. "Come on, how about we meet your new roommates."


Even through I had seen them a thousand times before, I had never walked these halls in chains. It was such a change being the prisoner rather than the guard. The walls felt so much smaller. My thigh ached as I walked at the brisk pace they were forcing on me.

When we finally reached the prison, passing each cell, I finally saw my goal. A girl with neon green hair cut short to her shoulders. She was a bit worse for wear, but not down for the count. She saw me and stared with wide eyes. Feeling confident, I winked. She smiled.

The other prisoners, finally recognizing me, roared my name in hatred. Although their hands were bound, they reached for me. They wanted to rip me to shreds. Good, I wanted them angry too.

"Here's your cell, my dear friend," Samuel finally said, stopping me at the end of the hall, far from the door.

I looked at my temporary roommates. Three men, larger than me. Of course.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2021 ⏰

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