Ch 8:Confession

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"Yeah?" We standing as enjoyed the view from railing.

"Do you think I should really have been born?"

My eyes turned into serious, im dashed towards him.Giving good punched on his right cheek.Shadow half of my face.

"Ask me again Ace, until you satisfied"

He stumble standing up. "Do you think I should really-"


"Do you thinked I should-"


He wiped his bloody nose and asked again.

"Do you-"


He slumped on the ground, tried to get up.I cupped his cheeks with one hand other one ready to punched. "We had long night to do this, and I be honour to knocked some sense to you" He still wearing confused face. My tears fell on his face, still wear serious expression.Biting my lip.

"Have you not feeling lucky your mother protect you for 22months postponed your actually due labour? She did that because she love you, this is HOW YOU REPAY HER??!! BY ASKING STUPID QUESTION???!!!" His eyes glistened wonder and sad.

I bring his face into my chest. "I make promise to them.I'll stay by your side, be there for you.And the same time.....fall in love with you..." His eyes widen, slowly pulled back to see my face.Im cried, but not making any sound. "You love me?" He looked into my eyes. "Very much not enough to count with your toes" I gently healed his bruise on his face by cupped both cheeks.He smiled and kissed me.

I kissed him back.We pulled back because need air. "You may not understand why you were born.But one day you'll be thanking to me" He smiled and nodded.Pecked on my lips. "Am I interrupted?" Turned around to see Marco.Yup pineapple head. "Ah no, actually you're make fine atmosphere~" showing my wicked smiled.

He started to shiver, he really don't want mess with me.Because you're gonna face the consequences.He smiled with sweatdropped on his temple turned around and started walked faster. As Ace took my hand and kissed on my knuckle, "Will you be my girlfriend?" He averted his eyes away but freckles on his cheek blushing. Im smirked on his nervous, decided to tease him.

"Ready to know the answer?"

"*Looked hardly on the floor* uh"

"Not afraid of rejection? *wicked smiled*"

"N-no *Mumbled*"

"Portgas D. Ace, Fire Fist Ace, Fireball, Romeo Jr. , Tsunde-"

"Just answer it! Damnit!!"

"Its a yes Ace-"

He hugged me tightly, as his hand on my waist why the other one behind my head.He rested his face on my crook of neck, hiding his blushing face. "Thank you Clavel" I guess he smiled like an idiot.Hugged him back, truly genuine smiled plastered on my face. "You dummy, ofcourse I love you" He chuckled, tilt my chin up looked at him.He captured my lips with his own, leave me breathless.

I panted. "Clavel, you have no idea what have you done to me" the cocky attitude come. "No worries, you just struck by the cupid arrow" I giggled.


I sleeping in the same room with Ace, I know today is the day where Thatch going to be killed.Ace still snuggled at the crook of my neck.I pulled enough to see his snored face, truth to be told.He's definitely very charming just like his father.Pushed strand of his hair at the back his ear.

Closing my eyes, teleported into Thatch room.Hiding behind the door.Few minutes later, the door opened *CREAK* .Thatch stirred from his sleeps, he saw Teach.Im keep myself invisible, until he stabbed on Thatch's heart.He ran out from the room with the chest, quickly next to Thatch.Pulled the blade out. "C-Clavel....Teach,he-"
"Shhh, I saw it don't worried.I need you breath as I told" He closed his eyes and did what im saying.

While supporting his head on my lap.My hand glowed on the opened wound.I can listen details inside the bloodstream.Started to attached back where belong.The heartbeat in normal rate.I nodded and leave the only wound is his skin.I lift his body put on the bed slowly.Then, I saw Marco.He looks like paled. "What happen here?!!!" He standing next to me. "There's no time to explained.I wanted you called doctor and bandage him up-" "I don't gave FUCK ABOUT IT!! TELL ME NOW YOI!" I bring his collar shirt tugged down on my height.

"Listen here Phoenix, he's in state of coma but still alive.I wanted you get help right now!! And im promise later I'll be explained about it first thing in the morning! You got that??!!!" Im almost punched him with my fist and put Haki on it.Instead im just clenched my fist.He nodded and I pushed him away.


"What just happen to Thatch Clavel?" Whitebeard demanding quickly.As I sat on the floor infront of his chair, indian style. "Thatch being stabbed by your own son.Marshall D. Teach" Crossed my arms looked up with serious gaze.

"My son never-"

"You may not believed what im said.You can asked crewmates same division with him" I looked to the Commanders who carried responsiblity.

Footsteps come closer and closer, one of the crew exclaimed. "Pops!! Their boat missing!!! And Clavel said was right!!" I looked back to Whitebeard, he's in deep thought.Unexpectedly, Ace already heard the news, he really looked pissed.

"That's it!! IM GOING TO KILLED THAT BASTARD!!!" He marched to his boat but his brothers argued with him not to go until pops decide.

"Ace, Im going to let him slip for this once" Whitebeard crossed his arms.

"NO POPS!! IM GOING TO KILL HIM!" Ace going to packed his clothes some food and berries to track Teach.He already jumped from the railing to his boat.Im pulled his shoulder turned to me.

"Clavel even you stopped-" I kissed him, only sweet and gentle. "Im not going to stopped you fireball...goodluck" He bewilderment what just happen.Smiled like an idiot, he gave last kissed and whispered at me before he jumped to the boat.

The crewmates jawdropped, 'WHY YOU'RE NOT STOPPING HIM??!!' the expected like that. "Nah im gonna meet him later" I shrugged. "What's that supposed to mean yoi?!!" He shocked too.I walked towards Whitebeard and giving him thanks and hugged.

"See ya guys at Impel Down!!" Bowed and teleported somewhere else.

'There's some unfinished business I need to attend, to the Dark Island'

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