Chapter 6

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Maya looked at the chain around her ankle and wondered if she would ever leave this place. A shiver ran down her spine at the thought of the dreadful chain. She wasn't claustrophobic, but she hated not having her freedom. 'What if there's a fire? Do I burn, chained to this bed?' She thought.

She began looking for a way out of this place. The balcony was looking like a good option, but that could be investigated later. She didn't know when he would be back and being caught trying to escape wouldn't be a good idea.

Maya's thoughts were interrupted by the smell of something delicious, food. Her stomach growled and her mouth watered. The last time she had eaten was more than 12 hours ago.

Rustling was heard on the other side of the door. It slowly opened to reveal Alex holding a tray full of food. He placed it in front of Maya on the bed. Eggs, bacon, waffles, french toast, and fruit were all on display.

"I didn't know what you'd want so I just made all of your favorites." He said with a goofy grin on his face.

"Th-thank you." She squeaked, how did he know her favorites? She kept her head down as she reached for the bacon, it was cooked perfectly. The perfect amount of soft and crunchy.

Alex looked at her expectantly, waiting. When Maya didn't get the memo, he asked,"How is it?"

Maya looked up at him, a forced smile on her lips, her voice was tiny as she spoke,"I-it's really good."

A smile grew across Alex's face as he watched Maya take another bite of the savory bacon. After finishing the strip of bacon, she used the fork, placed next to the main plate, and took a bite of the scrambled eggs. They were fluffy and melted on her tongue.

"And those?" He asked with the same anticipation as before. Instead of standing, he took a seat at the end of the bed.

"They're perfect... you're a r-really good cook." She replied not making eye contact, just looking at the beautiful display in front of her.

"Thanks. Living alone, you learn these kinds of things."

"Y-you live alone?" Maya asked, peeking her eyes up at him. He was staring at her. She blushed and quickly looked back down.

"Well I live with my parents, but they're never really around. I think they're in Asia right now"

"Oh." Maya didn't know how to respond.

The rest of breakfast went quietly, Maya eating and Alex asking if she liked the food. He stared at her the entire time, making her extremely uncomfortable. By the time she was finished, she had eaten almost half of everything, which was still a lot.

"Are you done?" Alex asked.

"Um, y-yeah."

He took the tray and set it on the bedside table then asked,"You didn't get hurt, did you?"

Maya was very confused by this,"W-what are you talking about?"

"Last night..."

The memory of the night before came crashing back. Maya wrapped her arms around her stomach and looked down.

Unexpectedly, Alex threw his arms around her shoulders and buried his head in her neck. Maya yelped at the sudden movement and instinctively stiffened at his touch.

"I'm sorry, this wasn't supposed to happen.." He said into her neck. He stayed like that for a few moments longer before releasing her again. Maya visibly relaxed.

Alex sighed,"Well I'm sure you have questions, and I will answer them eventually, but right now I will answer the most obvious. Why?"

She nodded her head, waiting for him to continue.

"I've seen how you are with people. You're the sweetest person I've seen. If there's a problem then you put on a smile, pretending that nothing is wrong and that everything is perfect. Do you honestly think you would have told anybody what happened last night, and ruin that monster's future?"

Maya put her head down, tears blurring her vision. What he was saying was true, how could she tell anybody that she had been... raped?

Alex gently took her chin in his fingers and wiped away a tear that had fallen. "That's why I have to protect you. Anybody in the world could hurt you, even people you trust. Even if you did tell someone, who would have sympathy for you? You lied to your parents, they'd probably disown you. Your friends would turn on you like a pack of wolves. All they ever really cared about was popularity."

Again Maya knew that he was speaking the truth. Her mother has never very close and has always cared dearly for her reputation. All her friends were like her mother.

She really would be alone.

Suddenly the weight of last night's events came crashing in on Maya's thoughts. Tears began to pool in her eyes and soon after created waterfalls down her cheeks. Before she had the chance to release a sob, Alex wrapped his arms tightly around her shoulders.

"But it's okay now, I won't ever turn on you. The world is a scary place and all I am doing is protecting you from it."

Maya's heart felt numb. Too tired to reply, she just nodded.

"Now, I have to go do a few things. I'll leave you alone to think for a while. For now, just wait for me. I'll be back in just a few short hours." Alex then planted a gentle kiss to her forehead and left the room. This time she heard the click of the lock.

After a few minutes of silent tears, Maya broke down into sobs and held herself close underneath the blankets.

A/N: Please drop a vote if you like the story! It'd make my day!

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