Chapter 14

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Alex woke up on the couch with his head in Maya's lap, her head was slumped against the back of the couch. It was dark outside so Alex guessed that it was late. He carefully got up, as to not wake up his love, and picked her up bridal style. He went upstairs to his room and placed her under the covers in his bed.

Over the past week Alex had stayed in the guest bedroom but tonight he laid on top of the covers in his bed next to his love. He took her hand in his and soon fell back to sleep.


Maya awoke to the sun from the skylight shining on her face and Alex holding her hand. He was laying on top of the covers while she was underneath them. This was the first time that she woke up before him since her first day here. He always woke her up in the mornings before he left for school.

After a few minutes of lying in silence, Maya came up with a great idea. She quietly slipped off the bed and slowly walked to the door. When she turned the knob it made a soft click, he left it unlocked.

She quietly tiptoed down to the kitchen to collect four eggs from the fridge and a frying pan from a hook on the wall. While she was cooking, Marie rubbed up against her leg. Her bowl was empty so Maya filled it to the top.

A second later there was a scream from upstairs, "MAYA," followed by a thunderous sound coming from the stairs. Alex came barreling down the steps and right into the front door. His head whipped to the side and he made eye contact with Maya.

In two huge strides, she was engulfed in a bone-crushing hug. Alex buried his face in her neck and, slowly, Maya hugged him back.

"I was just making breakfast." With that, he looked up and saw the eggs on the stove. A smile came across his face as he inhaled the savory smell.

He looked back down at her with that perfect smile, "Thank you, you're so thoughtful."

"It was nothing really... Your food is probably better."

"I bet that these eggs will be the best thing I've ever eaten simply because you made them."

A blush spread across May's cheeks but she quickly looked down to avoid his intense gaze.


After they finished eating, Alex looked at Maya expectantly, she returned his look with a confused one. "Well, how were they?" He asked.

"They were just normal eggs," Maya replied with a giggle.

"No, I'm pretty sure they were the best eggs in the world." He said matter of factly. Alex began to collect their plates," Why don't you go find something to watch on the tv?"

Maya nodded in agreement and made her way to the front room. Instead of pressing the Netflix button on the remote, she began to aimlessly flip through the channels until she stopped on a news broadcast. What caught her eye was a picture of herself but the caption above her photo was what shocked her the most. In big, black letters she read, "Wanted: Maya Delman for the murder of Andrew Smith"

For a minute of pure shock, she just stared at the screen while she listened to the news caster's words, "It has been confirmed that Maya was at the victim's house at the time of the attack after lying to her parents about her whereabouts. Her shirt was found with the victim's blood splattered on it along with signs of a struggle. Authorities found the victim's body completely burned in the middle of the woods."

The screen cut to a picture of her mother and father, tears were streaming down her father's face but her mother looked very serious as she looked straight into the camera from a podium, "Maya if you are listening to this please turn yourself in, own up to your actions. Don't just run away like you've done all your life-"

Suddenly the screen went black and Alex knelt in front of her. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry you had to see that."

Tears formed in Maya's eyes and spilled over, "W-what did you d-do?"

A look of fear flashed across his face, "I-I... H-he hurt you. I couldn't just let him get away with that. He's done this with other girls too, you're not the first. He-"

"No!" Maya jumped up, making Alex fall backwards, "You could've, you should have called the police. This is wrong!"

"Maya please, you have to understand. I had to do this." He got up and took a step closer, in turn, she took a step back towards the wall.

"No! You have to let me go!" Maya made a sprint for the door, which was a stupid decision because Alex was in between her and the door. He wrapped his arm around her waist and lifted her feet from the ground. His other arm secured her arms to her side as she began to struggle in his hold.

"N-no! Please, let go!" Maya screamed.

Alex didn't answer. Instead, he started making his way to the staircase but changed direction and moved past them. Maya tried to kick the wall to make him lose his balance and fall but he learned quickly and started to keep away from the walls. Maya regretted the socks she wore because each time her toes touched the wooden floor she would slip and lose her leverage.

She then saw a door that she hadn't noticed before under the staircase. Alex used the hand around her waist to open the door, just moving in time before she kicked it closed. Behind the door was a set of stairs that lead down into darkness. The basement.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she thought of the things that happened in basements in movies. Was he going to beat her? Chain her to the wall and use a bat to turn her guts to mush? Would he rape her? So many questions ran through her head.

With a struggle, Alex got to the bottom of the stairs without falling to their death and flipped on a light switch. Maya's tears blurred her vision of the room as she continued to kick and scream.

Alex dropped to his knees and after a second Maya felt the chill of a cold chain around her ankle. She stopped moving and only the sounds of her crying were left.

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