Chapter 11

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 Maya woke up to the sun shining in from the skylight. When her senses began to process what was in her hand, her eyes grew wide. Laying right in front of her was her kidnapper, sleeping. He wasn't on the bed though. Instead, he was on the ground, only his head and arms held him up. His head rested on one arm and the other gently held her hand.

Terrified to move, she just laid there taking in the features of her abductor. One of his parents must be asian because he had tan skin and almond-shaped eyes but he had long eyelashes and didn't have a monolid. He also had full lips that were slightly parted. His hair was in a crew cut style but the top was rather long and almost fell into his eyes. He was attractive. If he had approached her and asked out on a date, she probably would have said yes.

A sudden realization hit her: this was his room. She was in his room, the room of her abductor. What did he plan on doing with her in his room? Probably nothing good. He slept in here last night and didn't do anything so that's a good sign.

Yet there was nothing personalizing it, no pictures, no pens and paper, no plants, and no books, besides the ones he got for her last night. Nothing was really out of place either. Aside from the bed, nothing was messy, like he never used the room. The only thing that gave her confirmation that this was, in fact, his room was the worn-downness of the furniture. If you looked closely you would notice the lighter portions of wood on the handles of drawers and the dull color of the comforter. The objects in the room had been used and for a good amount of time.

Suddenly Alex stirred in his sleep and his eyes slowly fluttered open, making eye contact with her.

"Good morning..." He spoke with a smile.

"Good morning" Maya replied. 'Maybe he'll let me go home today?' She thought. It was a long shot but she tried anyway, "Please, can I go home today? I swear I won't tell anyone, I mean you did save me so..." tears blurred her vision.

Alex sighed and a sad look came to his eyes, his grip on her hand tightened slightly, "I'm sorry, I can't let you go. It's too dangerous out there."

When he loosened his grip, Maya cautiously drew back her hand and sat up, a hurt look crossed his face. He got up, made is way over to the dresser and started rummaging through it until he found what he was looking for. He turned back with a pile of neatly folded clothes and held them out for her, "I don't have any other clothes so you'll have to borrow some of mine." She just nodded.

Maya moved to get off the bed but was startled by the sound of the chain shifting and the weight of it on her ankle. Alex again sighed and knelt by her,"If I take it off, do you promise to not run or make a fuss?" She, just wanting the chain off, eagerly nodded her head. "Please use your words."

"I promise I won't try to run." Maya squeaked then whispered, "Please, I don't like it." Alex's eyes widened as he stumbled with the key around his neck to unlock the chain. After it was off he massaged her slightly red ankle.

"I'm so sorry. I'll keep it off for the rest of the day and if your good then maybe tomorrow too." The look in his eyes was so soft she almost forgot that she was being held captive by him. Almost.

With that, he stood up and held out his hand for her, which she took cautiously. He then walked out of the door with her following behind. His grip on her hand wasn't tight but it was tight enough that if she tried to run he could easily hold on to her. He led her down the hallway to the same bathroom as yesterday. As he placed the clothes on the counter, got a towel from a cabinet, and explained how to work the shower, he didn't let go of her hand.

"Take as long as you need, I know that you've been through a lot the last few days. When you're finished I'll make some breakfast." He let go of her hand and left, probably waiting outside for her like he did last time.

First, she started and adjusted the shower. Slowly she removed her shorts, then the sweatshirt. Lastly, she removed her bra and underwear quickly and jumped in the shower. For a few minutes, she just soaked in the warmth of the water and let her thoughts wander.

Her entire life that she had tried so hard to make simple had crumbled within just two days. Nothing would ever be the same, even if she made it out of here how could she ever trust anyone ever again? What Alex had told her was making her question everything she knew.

Would Aida continue to be her friend if she had needed space? Or would she shun her? Her mother had always cared deeply for her reputation and had always wanted a perfect daughter. Maya knew this and did her best to be a good child, becoming her living barbie doll. What would her mother think when she finds out she's been lied to. Maya could only imagine the disappointed looks she would receive from her parents from both her parents.

At least it looked like she was safe for now. Alex hadn't done anything yet and it didn't really seem like he would do anything, but she didn't want to push his limits.

She came back to reality and looked for the shampoo and conditioner but found a two in one instead. It was the original oldspice. After washing her hair she reached for a bar of soap. It smelled the same as the shampoo.

Maya finished up and feeling refreshed she turned off the shower and wrapped the towel around herself.

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